So For Jakie

Nov 26, 2013 15:05

I hve had food poisoning forgotten my LJ password and sent sasons gretins out sine we last spoke.

been looking at my fragments and one of me reallly hates fears loathes and so on MEN. Thus thelaelling dear male friends as not men for the reason most of me wants to keep thm.

Also I have shinny new front nighbours Magenta and Tom and we are peaceably ignoring each other atm.

NO cat for me BOO Hisss... I a pet but perhaps it's best i keep ones without living bodies for now.

I got Daleck nails so hard to type in..and saw the day of the dr.

BMI is a crock I will tell any one and my waist hip ratio is fine. So Don't even use the d word at me. I will respond violentlty.

As for yourfitness routine tell some one who cares ie not me. If i can lift you then i want you to acknowldge hat i have limmis whn it comes to diet bores *yawn* s distinct from hose with inolleranes and allegies. Also fitness professonals and families versus friends who try to "get in shape".

What does that mean anyway i like my shape ad if you don't quit gawking at me. If i don't lecture you on using your brain oyu do not get to tell me off for being me.

for jak

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