Advice to those without Diagnosis Yet.

Jun 03, 2013 11:46

1 Do not assume" Lumping all the crazies in one basket will Work.". Would you mix pediatrics with geriatric care in medicine No ! So Don't assme all" Crazies" will get along.

2.Never say Psychiatric injury is not "Properly" insane will make me want hurt you lots and may be break your arm so I can say " Yes. You have a Broken arm but you are not properly SicK. So Just go home and take pain killers and quit Moaning about the Fact I broke your arm.".

3 I do not care what your credentials or Qualifications are I know people with MPd, DiD folk who are multiples and even your language calls them fragmented. Broken Is Broken . So many Humans I want to call Pottery Barn On.
FYI You broke It You Buy It..

4. Depresion is, for some folk just a symptom of a bigger picture illness/injury. Please do not just offer to help us out of the blue in our bad times. We will rightly ignore you, as it appears to more about you, than well "us" and a freindship/relationship.
No one wants pity, we all have our dignity even if the person is naked driving a tank in the cbd *.

5 Also never ever call the Police In this state if you are worried about someone with mental illness. They shot us more often than not. The most positive outcome i heard the poor crazy persons door was broken down and they were charged with assaulting the police.

*Seriously this has happpened

crazy, rantage

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