Support Remember Dallas! :D

May 24, 2006 23:09

[music| Remember Dallas - Disco]

My last Entry didn't come through, and I'm much too lazy to type it up again (you prolly wouldn't want to read it, anyways. Except for the LEBISH part. and Maria. 'cause they rock socks.)

Soooos, I'd like to mention my friend Patric's brother has a band, Remember Dallas, and they're recording their first Single EP! And they're going to Warped Tour along with Look What I Did. They're pretty alternative, so don't say I didn't warn you. They're pretty good, too. :3

Clicketh Here for some of their gig details.

Well, I can't wait for my Algebra final tomorrow. Then again, who can't? ¬¬'
I also have a band final tomorrow. That should be pretty easy, though....

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