Come the f**k in, or f**k the f**k off!

Dec 12, 2009 10:45

The Daily Mail always seems keen to kick the boot in, so it's not that surprising that they're ripping in Avatar with this over-the-top anti-review.

While I'm not that keen on what I've seen of it myself, I wish they'd keep their hyperbole in check. while Cameron has over the years started to get a bit excessive with the budgets, Aliens most certainly DID NOT cost $100 million to make. Check your facts! It was filmed in 1985, and Cameron was hired before The Terminator had even been released, with a budget somewhere in the region of $16-18 million. Even Alien: Resurrection came in at under $100 mil - somewhere nearer $70 million. But, it's the Daily Mail, so they'll probably blame the rocketing budgets on immigration next...

Didn't you used to have to go some research, check facts, and stuff like that to be a journalists?

Anyhoo, onto something much better, I watched the first two seasons of the sublime The Thick of It this week. A more caustic, sweary, funny and down-right scary look at politics there's never been. Peter Capaldi is brilliant as the Prime Ministers *policy enforcer* Malcolm Tucker. Loosely based on Alastair Campbell (something which Campbell seems oddly proud of), Tucker is spin gone mad, and is quite possibly completely evil, and certainly incredibly sadistic. He also gets most of the best lines in the show, most of which are far to profane to repeat, so check out some quotes here if you're interested (including the one I used to title this post). Bit different from his appearance on Torchwood - here's Tucker in a relatively good mood:

I've got the specials "Rise of the Nutters" and "Spinners and Losers", and the kinda pseudo-film version In the Loop to watch this weekend too, so lots more swearing ahead. The really scary thing is, it feels like this is probably really how government is run...

Update: Watched the specials and they're also awesome. Here's a quote from *Nutters* (which refers to back bench MPs, btw)that sums Tucker up to no end (imagine the disease-eyed stare of the picture above, hissing the last line through clenched teeth):

Oliver Reeder: Malcolm! You're bullying me, and I dunno why you're bullying me...
Malcolm Tucker: How dare you! How dare you! Don't you ever, EVER, call me a bully! I'm so much worse than that.
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