Turned (8/13)

Aug 09, 2013 18:25

Title: Turned (8/13)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: hunhan, minor pairings
Length: chaptered
Word Count: 5100 in this chapter, 72k total
Summary: (wolf fic) One night introverted Sehun goes to a club with his best friend Jongin, where he meets Jongin's sort-of-boyfriend Luhan. Luhan seems perfect, but Sehun quickly learns he's keeping a secret. By the time he finds out the truth about Luhan it's too late.

The first thing Sehun saw when he woke up was the letter.

It was on his pillow, right next to his head. Pushing himself up, Sehun took the letter and opened it. The writing inside was clear and neat, but also unfamiliar.

It read: We’re acting sooner than expected, due to unforeseen but lucky circumstances. Tell J about the ceremony and your plan to prevent it. Don’t tell him anything else, and don’t let the others find out anything about it at all. Sneak out with J to L’s apartment tomorrow night. Be prepared to leave the city. I’ll give you more instructions then.

The letter wasn’t signed, but Sehun knew it was from Minseok. How he managed to get it in here, not just in their den but Sehun’s very bedroom, Sehun had no idea. It troubled him, but he couldn’t dwell on it. He had to decide whether he’d follow Minseok’s orders or not.

Sehun had tried to think of a way to stop Yifan without involving the pureblood. He could bring it to the rest of his pack and hope they figured something out, but what if they didn’t have a plan? Minseok obviously did, and it seemed like it would work. Sehun couldn’t risk telling the other’s about it, in case that somehow ruined Minseok’s plan. Even though he didn’t fully understand everything that was going on, and even though the last thing he wanted to do was put his trust in someone from the other pack, Sehun didn’t think he had a choice.

But first he had to explain everything to Jongin, which would probably be even harder after last night.

Leaving his bedroom, Sehun found the apartment empty save for Junmyeon, who was sitting on the couch reading a letter. Sehun found it kind of ironic that they’d both received letters, but upon closer inspection he realized the paper Junmyeon was holding was stained and old.

Junmyeon was so lost in his letter he didn’t notice Sehun right away. When he did, he quickly -but neatly - folded the letter and slipped it into his pocket.

“Good evening.” Junmyeon said with a small smile. His voice was scratchier than normal, and Sehun was startled to see his eyes were a bit swollen. Had he been crying?

“Hi.” Sehun said, unsure what to do in this situation. “Um, where is everyone?”

“Kyungsoo went out shopping, and I’m not sure where Baekhyun and Chanyeol have gotten off to. I’m afraid you and Jongin missed supper. It’s understandable, though, that you’d sleep so much after yesterday.” Junmyeon gestured to the kitchen. “We saved you some food, if you’re hungry. It’s in the fridge.”

Sehun was hungry, but instead of going into the kitchen he stayed where he was. “Are you alright?”

Junmyeon was surprised, then he laughed. “I’m the one that should be asking you! You went through a lot last night. And I’m still not very pleased with Baekhyun for adding to your troubles.”

“He was right.” Sehun said, although he still wasn’t very happy either. “Jongin deserved to know. I just kind of wish I’d told him sooner, if I had to tell him at all. Before we... well, before last night. We wouldn’t have gone to the club if I’d told him earlier.”

“You weren’t to know he’d be so dead-set on getting Luhan back.” Junmyeon’s voice went quiet as he said. “But yes, it’s good that he understands what purebloods are like now.”

That was when Sehun remembered Junmyeon was also a pureblood, if Minseok was to be trusted on that as well. It would make sense, though. Sehun flashed back to the evening he’d come back to the apartment to find Kyungsoo comforting Junmyeon about something. Now, he realized why Junmyeon had been upset. That was the night Baekhyun and Jongin got in a fight over saving Luhan, and Baekhyun had been bad-mouthing the purebloods, calling them all horrible and selfish. Junmyeon had clearly been hurt by that.

Sehun was still watching Junmyeon. “Can I ask you something?”

“Yes, of course. What is it?”

“Actually, I’ve asked you this before, but you didn’t get a chance to answer. Why were you kicked out of the other pack?”

Junmyeon tensed. Like last time, he paused, clearly not wanting to answer the question.

“Does it have to do with you being a pureblood?” Sehun asked.

“You know?” Junmyeon asked, shocked.

“I heard some stuff, at the club last night. I pieced it together.”

“What did you hear?” Junmyeon asked, suddenly concerned.

Sehun answered carefully, still trying to keep his encounter with Minseok secret. “Just something about there being a pureblood leading our pack. I didn’t hear anything else, since Jongin and I were trying to sneak out at the time.” Hoping Junmyeon wouldn’t press for details, Sehun quickly asked, “So it’s true, then? You’re a pureblood.”

“I am.” Junmyeon said, his voice very quiet.

“Do the others know?”

“Only Kyungsoo.” Junmyeon said. “I haven’t told Baekhyun and Chanyeol yet, and with their past with purebloods, well... I think Chanyeol would be able to accept it, but Baekhyun never would, and I couldn’t tell Chanyeol and ask him to keep it from him. I have to tell them both. Just... not yet.” Junmyeon smiled a little, but without amusement. “I guess I’m being a bit hypocritical. I did originally want you to tell Jongin the truth about Luhan, but here I am lying to my pack.”

“No, it’s fine.” Sehun said. “I understand why you aren’t telling them. I’ll keep it to myself, if you want.”

Junmyeon was surprised. “You won’t tell Jongin?”

“Not if you don’t want me to.”

“Thank you.” Junmyeon said, and Sehun could tell he really meant it.

“No big deal.” Sehun said, suddenly uncomfortable. He turned towards the kitchen. “I’m going to, um, eat now.”

Only later did Sehun realize that, yet again, Junmyeon hadn’t answered his question.

It wasn’t long after Sehun had finished eating that Jongin finally came out of his room. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily, his hair a mess. Still, he managed to make it all look cute. Sehun didn’t know how. He himself always looked like a slob when he got out of bed.

Spotting Sehun, Jongin seemed to wake up. They stared at each other a moment.

Junmyeon, still on the couch, said: “I can go if you two want some time alone.”

“No.” Sehun said. “That’s fine. You stay.”

“I think we should talk.” Jongin said to Sehun.

“Yeah, but let’s go outside. I want some air.” Sehun turned to Junmyeon. “Is there access to the roof?”

Junmyeon nodded and gave Sehun directions while Jongin got changed. Sehun had changed after eating, so when Jongin returned they left. They took the stairs right up to the top floor, where the door to the roof was closed but unlocked. Junmyeon explained that the lock had mysteriously broken one night, and had yet to inform the landlord. Sehun wondered which one of their pack had broken the lock, but he didn’t ask.

Closing the door behind him, Sehun turned to Jongin. His friend had already walked to the edge of the roof, overlooking the street. Sehun took a breath and approached him.

Before Sehun could say anything, Jongin turned and asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sehun knew they’d have to have this conversation, before he could talk about the plan, but he’d still hoped to avoid it. “I thought it was best at the time.”

“Why the hell would you think that?”

“It’s just... you seemed so happy about Luhan. Despite being turned into a monster you found a way to be happy, and if I told you about what he’d done to me you’d see what he was really like. I thought that would be too much for you to handle.”

“I don’t need you to protect me, Sehun. I’ve always been able to handle myself, haven’t I?”

“Yes, but -”

“No. I don’t want to hear anything else. You had no right to keep this from me, not if you’re saying your reason was to protect me. That’s bullshit.”

“Why else would I have kept it from you?” Sehun demanded.

“I don’t know. Maybe you were jealous that Luhan used you just so he could turn me.”

Sehun couldn’t believe his ears. “Are you crazy?!”

“Don’t pretend. I saw how you looked at him that night, when I introduced you guys. I can’t blame you for being interested, but I never thought you’d go after your best friend’s guy.”

“I didn’t go after Luhan!” Sehun snapped.

“Oh yeah? Then how’d he get close enough to bite you?”

“Are you kidding?! That’s immediately what you think, that I let him bite me?! He could have attacked me and bitten me by force! Did you even consider that?!”

Jongin narrowed his eyes at Sehun. “Is that what happened?”

Sehun was furious. Jongin didn’t believe him. Sure, he was right about this; Sehun had gone off willingly with Luhan, even if he hadn’t willingly accepted the bite. But the fact that Jongin immediately assumed the worst of Sehun, and not Luhan, after all he’d been told, made Sehun see red.

“You’re supposed to be my friend!” Sehun snapped.

“And you’re supposed to be mine.”

“I can’t believe this.” Sehun scoffed. “You’re the one acting jealous here, Jongin. And why? After Luhan bit me, changed me into a monster and ruined my life, you still like him? You still get jealous at the thought of someone else being around him?! What kind of friend are you?!”

“You always think the worst of people, you know that, Sehun? That’s why I’m your only friend, because everyone gets tired of your superior attitude! Not even once have you given Luhan the benefit of the doubt! You don’t try to see things from his perspective!”

“From his perspective?!” Sehun nearly screamed. “Ok, Jongin, tell me about his perspective, since you know him so well!”

Jongin glared at him. “What Luhan did, to you and to me, it’s in his nature. It’s in our nature now too. To turn people and enlarge the pack. The others explained that to you, didn’t they? It’s part of our instinct.”

“So it was instinct that told him to practise turning on me so he’d perfect it for you?”

“I’m not saying I’m not mad about that! I wish he hadn’t turned you, ok?”

“Oh yeah, I bet you wish that. That way I wouldn’t be involved at all, and you’d definitely have Luhan all to yourself.”

“I can’t talk to you anymore.” Jongin said, bumping Sehun’s shoulder as he passed him.

Rage coursed through Sehun and all he wanted to do was tackle Jongin. It took all his self control to turn and grab his arm instead. Despite this, he couldn’t help squeezing Jongin’s arm a bit too tightly. Maybe he’d get a bruise like Luhan, Sehun thought bitterly. Jongin would probably like something like that.

“What?” Jongin spat.

“I hate you right now.”

“Yeah, I sort of hate you too.”

Sehun took a breath. “But there’s something more important we have to talk about.”

“More important than you keeping secrets from me and trying to steal Luhan?”

Sehun gritted his teeth, somehow managing not to rise to the comment. “It is about Luhan. It’s something I overheard last night at the club, after we split up.”

“What?” Jongin asked, a little less hostile than before and far more attentive. All because he’d mentioned Luhan, Sehun knew.

Sehun quickly explained about the mating ceremony, saying he’d heard that Yifan was keeping Luhan prisoner in the den for the time being. He went on to explain about Yifan gaining complete control through mating with Luhan, but at that point Sehun didn’t think he needed to say anything else. Just hearing about Luhan mating with someone else seemed to be all the motivation Jongin needed.

“We’ve got to do something.” Jongin said. “We’ve got to tell the others.”

Jongin started back towards the door, and Sehun caught him again. “No! No, I mean, I have an idea, but I don’t think they’d go for it. Just like they didn’t go for your plan to rescue him.”

Jongin stopped, turning back to Sehun. “What’s your plan?”

“We’ll get Luhan out of the city and hide somewhere until the blue moon passes.” Sehun licked his lips, remembering the other detail of Minseok’s plan. The part about mating. Now that Jongin was part of the plan, that would be his job. But Sehun decided he wouldn’t mention it just yet.

“We still have to find a way to get Luhan out.” Jongin said. “Do you have a plan for that?”

“I do... I...” Sehun really wished Minseok had given him more to go on. Suddenly, he had an idea. “I saw Luhan. At the club.”

Jongin’s gaze darkened. “Something else you didn’t tell me.”

“We don’t have time to fight again!” Sehun snapped, then took a moment to calm himself. “Look, he said he’d find a way to get out and meet us tomorrow night. But we can’t let the others know, because they might stop us. Baekhyun would definitely try, you know what he’s like when it comes to purebloods.”

“Yeah, you’re right. They can’t know.” Jongin gave Sehun a curious look. “Why are you telling me this?”

“What do you mean?”

Jongin ran a hand through his hair, at a loss. “I mean... why are you asking me to come? It sounds like you could just run off with Luhan without me, if you wanted. Even if Luhan expects me to come, you could probably make some excuse and get him to yourself.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” Sehun said, struggling to make his voice resolved. He wouldn’t do that. He knew he wouldn’t, because he easily could have cut Jongin out of the plan. But here he was, telling Jongin everything. Even though he didn’t really want to.

Sehun told himself he hated Luhan, that he never wanted to see him again, because of what he’d done. But it went beyond being turned against his will. Jongin had been turned too, and he still wanted to see Luhan. Sehun couldn’t help thinking if he’d been the one Luhan had wanted to turn, and not the practice piece, he’d feel differently.

But he was the practice. The one Luhan wanted was Jongin. That was why he was telling him.

“So tomorrow,” Sehun said, “We’ll go meet Luhan tomorrow night.”

Jongin nodded. “Yeah, and then we’ll leave the city.”

The next evening Sehun hadn’t heard anything new from Minseok, so he went ahead with the plan he and Jongin had concocted to sneak away from their pack. They went to the park, like usual, for more training. Sehun and Jongin had decided they’d run off, as if for another race, then circle back, shift and retrieve their clothes, and go to the meeting spot.

It seemed like everything would work out, but then Chanyeol offered to go with them to the park, since Kyungsoo wasn’t feeling very well. Baekhyun said he’d go in Junmyeon’s place too, so Junmyeon could stay back and look after his pack member.

Having Baekhyun along wasn’t such a big deal. He wasn’t a strong wolf and his sense of smell was weak despite having been turned by Chanyeol. On the other hand, it was going to be even harder to slip away with Chanyeol along. He’d be able to track their scents perfectly and know the second they tried to leave the park.

Still, they had to try. After they reached the park and shifted, Sehun and Jongin took off in a race. Chanyeol and Baekhyun went off somewhere else in the woods, probably to fool around in a similar manner. The only one Baekhyun ever seemed playful with, as a wolf or a human, was Chanyeol.

When the other two were far enough away, Sehun and Jongin returned to where they’d hidden their clothes. After changing, they started slowly through the park.

“Maybe Chanyeol will be too distracted to notice.” Jongin whispered at one point.

Sehun nodded, but he didn’t really think that would happen. They’d just have to hope they had enough time to get out of Chanyeol’s range before he could shift and follow.

Just as they neared the park’s exit, Sehun noticed a movement in the trees. Glancing over, he was shocked to see Chanyeol weaving through the foliage, red eyes watching them.

Sehun grabbed Jongin’s hand and ran for the exit. He kept running until they were out of the park, and then several feet down the sidewalk.

“Sehun, what’s going on?”

“Chanyeol saw us.” Sehun said, walking as fast as he could without drawing attention. “We have to hurry.”

Jongin immediately obliged and they left the area near the park as quickly as possible. Sehun couldn’t pick up on Baekhyun’s or Chanyeol’s scent anymore, which relieved him until he remembered Chanyeol had a wider range. He could probably still track them.

But somehow they got farther and farther from the park with no sign of Chanyeol.

“That’s weird.” Sehun murmured. “I thought he would have caught up by now.”

“Maybe we lost him.”

“Yeah, I guess...”

Jongin rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. We were lucky, that’s all. Now let’s hurry. We don’t want to keep Luhan waiting.”

Sehun agreed and continued leading Jongin to their destination. He wasn’t sure if he was glad his friend was so excited about this (it would make getting out of the city faster and easier) or if he was still resentful. After all, Jongin had essentially picked Luhan over Sehun. That betrayal still stung, but Sehun didn’t know what to do about it. If they talked anymore about it, Sehun knew they’d just keep arguing. It was best not to mention it at all and just get through tonight.

They reached the apartment complex and went up the fire-escape. Pushing open the right window, Sehun slipped into Luhan’s bedroom, Jongin right behind him. Sehun was startled to find it just the way it had been the last time he was here. Even the way the bed sheets were rumpled looked the same.

“So Luhan wanted to meet here?” Jongin asked, looking around. “Who’s house is it?”

“His, I guess.” Sehun picked his way through the room. His foot brushed something and he glanced down at a small, balled up sock half shoved under the bed. Realizing it was his, which he’d left behind in his rush to leave the apartment before, Sehun quickly kicked it under the bed.

“I’m going to check out the rest of the apartment.” Jongin said. “See if there’s any food in the fridge.”

“Didn’t you eat an hour ago?”

“A little more than that, I’d say. Besides, shifting always makes me hungry.” Jongin grinned at Sehun before disappearing down the hall.

Sehun looked around the bedroom. His gaze fell to the covers again. He could almost make out a human shape outlined by the wrinkles in the sheets. Luhan’s shape, which Sehun had pressed into the covers.

“You want anything?” Jongin called from the kitchen. “There’s not much here, but there’s enough.”

Sehun rolled his eyes and started into the hall. He paused in the doorway to glance back at the sheets. For a brief moment, he wondered on what would have happened if he’d stayed that night, instead of pushing Luhan away and bringing up Jongin. But he’d done both those things, and then he’d left. He had no right to wonder.

Sehun walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

“Are you sure Luhan’s coming?” Jongin asked.

They’d been waiting for over an hour now, and Jongin had gotten so anxious he was pacing. It wasn’t like him to be jumpy, but Sehun didn’t know what to tell him. He kept checking his phone, but there was nothing from Minseok, and no sign of Luhan. Had something gone wrong?

“What if something went wrong?” Jongin asked, echoing Sehun’s thoughts. “What if he tried to escape and they caught him? What if the leader hurts him?”

“He wouldn’t do that. He needs Luhan.” Sehun sounded a lot more certain that he actually was. In his mind he saw the red imprint on Luhan’s cheek, which Yifan had left there. Would he do something worse to Luhan, if he tried to escape? The thought filled Sehun with rage, but also fear. He didn’t know what he would do if something happened to Luhan, which scared him even more. He still hated Luhan. He still wanted to. But he also felt like he needed him.

Sehun leaned back against the couch. Everything was so messed up.

His phone vibrated. Sehun jumped up in his seat, and Jongin stopped pacing. Whipping out his cell, Sehun opened the message from Minseok.

“What happened?” Jongin asked. “Is he ok? Is he coming?”

“Yeah. No. I mean...” Sehun reread the message, then put his phone away. “Something came up. We have to meet him now, at the subway station. We’ll get the subway to the end of the city, and from there we’ll catch a ride into the country. Apparently it’s all arranged.”

“Good.” Jongin said, relieved. “So he’s safe?”

“Yeah.” Sehun said, since Minseok hadn’t mentioned otherwise. “But we have to go. Quickly.”

Jongin nodded and they left the apartment.

They reached the station almost a half hour later.

“I don’t see him.” Jongin said, glancing up and down the platform.

“He’s probably not here yet.” Sehun checked the time on his phone. “We still have another forty minutes before our train. Let’s find somewhere out of the way to wait.”

“But what if he can’t find us?”

“He’ll find us.” Sehun said, remembering all those times he felt like something was pulling him towards Luhan. That had to be because he’d bitten him, an effect of their tie. And the tie between Jongin and Luhan had to be even stronger. If it didn’t go both ways and Luhan couldn’t sense them, they’d still be pulled towards Luhan when he arrived.

Sehun and Jongin found a place to wait, a bench nestled into an alcove of the wall. They didn’t speak, but Jongin still seemed twitchy, constantly clasping and unclasping his hands. Sehun watched him do this for awhile, then he said. “I’ve made a decision.”

“About what?”

“I’m not going with you and Luhan.”

Jongin stared at him, surprised. “You’re not?”

“No. I think you guys would do better on your own.”

“Won’t it be dangerous for you here?”

“Junmyeon and the others will look after me.” Sehun said. “You just worry about Luhan.”

Sehun thought Jongin might protest more, but he wasn’t that surprised when his friend remained silent. After a moment, Jongin nodded to himself and said. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Sehun didn’t say anything, doing his best to contain another burst of rage. Here he was, deciding to stay behind, and instead of being really worried about his safety Jongin was probably glad he’d get to go off alone with Luhan.

Instead of accusing him of this and starting another argument, Sehun said. “I’ll wait until Luhan gets here and see you guys off, then I’ll go back to the pack.”

Again, Jongin nodded.

“There’s one more thing.” Sehun swallowed. This was the hardest part. “While you guys are in hiding, when the blue moon comes you should... you should mate.”

“Are you serious?” Jongin looked even more shocked than before.

“Yes. It’s the only way to guarantee Yifan won’t get that power, even if he finds you guys.”

“Ok.” Jongin said. “I understand.”

Sehun was sure he did. This was probably like a dream come true for Jongin. Not only would he get to run off with Luhan, but necessity demanded that they mate. Even now, Sehun could see Jongin was trying to hide a smirk.

This was why Sehun couldn’t go with them. He’d go mad, sitting by while Jongin and Luhan spent time together and got even closer and mated. Minseok had been right. The idea of being the third wheel was just too much for Sehun to handle.

Besides, he’d be fine if he stayed in the city. He’d stay with his pack and do what he could to keep the other pack from going after Luhan and Jongin. He’d play his part and try to forget that at the same time Luhan and Jongin would be playing theirs.

Suddenly, Sehun felt it. That odd tugging sensation. Luhan was here.

Jongin felt it too, a moment later. Sehun knew because his gaze snapped to the end of the platform just before Luhan appeared behind the corner. Not even Sehun could sense Luhan that accurately. That proved how much Jongin was connected to him, if nothing else did.

A smile broke over Jongin’s face, and he got up and went to Luhan. Sehun remained where he was, watching as Jongin caught Luhan in a hug. That was when Sehun looked away. He didn’t want to see their reunion, on top of everything else.

A few seconds later and Sehun heard them approaching. He got to his feet, trying to ignore the happiness on Jongin’s face. It was easier to ignore when he saw the confusion on Luhan’s.

“Why are both of you here?” Luhan asked.

It was like a knife to the chest. Now that Luhan had Jongin back, he didn’t even want Sehun around. He was done practising.

“Sehun’s here to see us off.” Jongin explained. “Don’t worry, he’s not coming.”

Don’t worry. The words grated on Sehun, but they still didn’t hurt as much as what Luhan had said.

Luhan, who was still looking at him in confusion. “I don’t understand. This isn’t what-”

Luhan’s eyes turned red and his head snapped around, to face the direction he’d come.

“What is it?” Jongin asked. “The train?”

“No.” Luhan said, then turning back to them, “We have to get out of here. I was followed. I thought there would be enough time to get the train, but there isn’t.”

“It should be here any minute.” Jongin said.

“We don’t have time. We have to go-”

Lights appeared at the end of the tunnel, and suddenly the train was racing towards them. Against the lights, a figure appeared at the end of the platform. It took Sehun a split second to recognize him.


He was human, dressed like he usually dressed. Even his hair looked the same. Sehun was struck by a sudden sense of deja vu. It was like they were meeting up to go somewhere, like they used to, before all of this had happened. For a moment, Zitao was simply Zitao, not a member of the other pack.

Then his eyes turned red.

The train pulled to a stop, doors sliding open. The last thing Sehun saw was Zitao striding towards them, then he was being pushed towards the doors.

“Hurry!” Luhan hissed. “We need to get on!”

Sehun was about to do as Luhan said, when he realized something odd. Jongin wasn’t following them. His gaze was fixed on Zitao, who was getting closer every second.

That’s when Sehun remembered he hadn’t told Jongin about Zitao. He must have been in shock, seeing their friend now, here, and knowing what it meant.

“Jongin!” Sehun called. “Jongin, come on!”

Jongin didn’t move and Luhan kept pushing Sehun towards the door. Fleetingly Sehun wondered why Luhan was only paying attention to him, and not trying to drag Jongin to safety instead. But most of Sehun’s attention was on Jongin, still fixed to his spot.

“Jongin!” Sehun ripped out of Luhan’s hold and hurried to his friend. He shook him by the shoulder. “Yes, it’s Zitao! Look, I’ll explain later, but we have to go!”

Jongin wouldn’t even look at Sehun. His eyes were wide, glazed with shock as he stared at the approaching wolf.

Sehun glanced over his shoulder. Zitao wasn’t running, but stalking towards them. He knew he had them cornered.

An announcement went off, letting those in the subway know the train was going, and to back away from the platform.

“Sehun!” Luhan snapped, “Get on the train!”

“Come on!” Sehun hissed, trying to pull Jongin, but he wouldn’t move.

“Get on now!” Luhan’s voice rang clear. “That’s an order!”

Sehun stiffened. The next thing he knew, his body was moving on its own. Then he was on the train, next to Luhan, and the doors slid shut behind him. Sehun turned just in time to see Zitao, only a few steps from Jongin, when the train started moving. Then they entered the tunnel and Jongin and Zitao were gone.

“What the hell.” Sehun whispered, then whirling on Luhan. “What the hell?! Why didn’t you make him-”

Sehun stopped shouting. Following Luhan’s gaze, he saw the other people on the train. There weren’t many, and not all of them seemed lucid, most on their way home from partying. The few in their senses were giving Sehun and Luhan strange looks.

Luhan clasped Sehun’s sleeve and started pulling him down the subway. They walked until they reached an empty car. Luhan sat down and gently pulled on Sehun’s sleeve, to try and get him to sit too. Sehun ripped his arm away from Luhan. After a moment, he did sit, but across from Luhan instead of next to him.

Sehun rubbed the back of his neck with both hands, staring at the train floor but not seeing it. They’d left Jongin behind. No, it was worse than that. They hadn’t just left him. They’d left him with someone from the other pack. Even if it was their old friend, Zitao clearly wasn’t the same. Sehun wanted to think that he was, and that he’d let Jongin go. But Sehun knew that wouldn’t happen. Not when Zitao had looked at him as prey the other night, and Jongin the same tonight. Not when Zitao almost killed him.

Sehun caught his breath. What if Zitao did the same to Jongin? What if they’d left him to die?

Luhan’s hand entered Sehun’s vision, reaching for his knee and squeezing it. Sehun glanced up to find Luhan watching him with sad eyes.

“Why didn’t you save him?” Sehun asked. “Why did you make me leave, and not him?”

Luhan still had his hand on Sehun’s knee, but the look in his eyes turned puzzled. “I’m sorry, Sehun, but there was nothing I could do.”

“Of course there was!” Sehun snapped, pushing Luhan’s hand away. “You could have commanded him! Just like you did to me! You turned him and got him into all this, so why didn’t you save him?!”

Luhan stared at Sehun, mouth slightly open. “Sehun, you... I don’t know what you’re talking about. I can’t command Jongin. I didn’t turn him.”

Sehun returned Luhan’s shocked look. “Of course you did.”

“No, I didn’t.” Luhan said. “Sehun, the only person I’ve ever turned is you.”

7 I 9

chaptered, hunhan

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