Turned (11/13)

Aug 18, 2013 14:45

Title: Turned (11/13)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: hunhan, minor pairings
Length: chaptered
Word Count: 6800 in this chapter, 72k total
Summary: (wolf fic) One night introverted Sehun goes to a club with his best friend Jongin, where he meets Jongin's sort-of-boyfriend Luhan. Luhan seems perfect, but Sehun quickly learns he's keeping a secret. By the time he finds out the truth about Luhan it's too late.

Yixing, with Zitao’s help, had brought Sehun to the basement. They’d locked Sehun in a room and gone off somewhere with Minseok. Yifan had remained upstairs, on the fourth floor. Baekhyun, however, had accompanied them. Now he stood just outside Sehun’s cell, returning the glare he was receiving.

“How could you do this?” Sehun demanded, the moment Yixing and Zitao were gone.

“I didn’t have a choice.” Baekhyun said. “Not after I overheard you guys on the roof last night. You two are traitors. Minseok to his pack and you to yours.”

“How have I betrayed you guys?!”

“By making plans with the other pack. With a pureblood. When the others hear about this, they’ll be glad Yifan has you.”

“Are you kidding?!” Sehun nearly screeched. “Junmyeon and Kyungsoo are going to hate you! I was doing all this to try and save Jongin, not go against our pack! I was trying to help the pack!”

“If your intentions were so pure, why didn’t you come to us for help?” Baekhyun asked with a sneer. “Instead you relied on that dirty pureblood. You can’t be trusted anymore.”

“And what about Chanyeol?! Can he not be trusted either?!”

“Chanyeol’s different. Minseok was ordering him to do these things. Now that Minseok’s locked away, he’ll be free.”

Sehun stared at Baekhyun. “Is that what you think?! How much did you hear up on the roof?!”

Baekhyun’s mouth formed a thin line. “Enough.”

“Clearly it wasn’t! Didn’t you hear the part where Chanyeol admitted to helping Minseok because he wanted to! He was never ordered to do any of this!”

“You’re lying. Chanyeol wouldn’t betray the pack.”

“I wouldn’t betray the pack! And I haven’t! Neither of us did!”

“Say whatever you want. The pack was doing just fine before you and Jongin showed up. We’ll do fine again.”

Baekhyun started to walk away. Sehun slammed his hands against the door. “Baekhyun! Come back here! You can’t do this! The others will never forgive you!”

“They would, eventually, if they knew I was the reason you got captured.” Baekhyun’s gaze locked with Sehun’s. “But they won’t. There won’t be anyone to tell them.”

Sehun leaned back against the brick wall. He was sitting on a single bed, which looked exactly the same as the one he’d seen in Jongin’s cell. Everything was the same, both in style and layout.

Sehun wasn’t sure how far his room was from Jongin’s; he’d been so busy trying to get free of Yixing and Zitao that he hadn’t paid attention as they dragged him down the hall. He’d tried calling out to his friend since, but gotten no reply. He didn’t know if that meant Jongin had been moved, or simply wasn’t replying.

A door opened in the hall. Sehun sat up, gaze fixed on the window. He saw Minseok, then Jongdae pass. A moment later he heard the door to the cell next to his open, close and lock. Jongdae passed by his room again, glancing in as he went. He flashed a grin at Sehun, showing his canines. Then he was gone.

A few minutes passed after Jongdae left the hall. Sehun was just starting to wonder if Minseok would say anything - if either of them should say anything - when a knock came from the wall behind him.

“They took me to Yifan.” Minseok said. His voice sounded different, and not just because he was a room away. It sounded fainter, sort of scratchy.

“What happened?”

“We had a real heart to heart. Jongdae was good enough to be the mediator while we hashed out our problems. In the end we came to a fair, democratic solution: I’m never allowed to leave this room again.”

“He didn’t... punish you?” As bad as life in the basement sounded, Sehun was surprised Yifan hadn’t killed Minseok for betraying him.

Minseok laughed hoarsely. “Of course he did! I’m glad there aren’t any mirrors in here; I don’t want to see what I look like right now.”

Sehun swallowed. So Yifan had beaten Minseok. That explained why his voice sounded weak. “Did you... fight back?”

“Fight back against the guy who can order me to do anything? Yeah, I punched him in the face.”

“Oh. Right...” Sehun said. He couldn’t think of anything else to add, despite how much his mind was spinning. He still couldn’t believe this had happened. As risky as saving Jongin had seemed, Sehun still hadn’t believed they’d actually get caught.

“You’re wondering why Yifan didn’t do something worse, right?”

He had been wondering that, but he didn’t say anything. It didn’t matter, though, because Minseok continued. “He can’t kill me. He won’t banish me either. If he did he wouldn’t be able to control me anymore. I’d be on the loose. That’s the last thing he wants.”

“Why can’t he kill you?”

“Didn’t the others ever tell you? If a wolf kills another wolf in their pack, leader or not, that wolf is instantly cast out. If Yifan killed me, he’d lose everything. The only way one wolf can kill another and remain in the pack is by challenging them. Do you know about the challenges?”

“Yeah, Chanyeol explained them to me.”

“Good.” Minseok said, and for a moment his voice sounded different, then it returned to normal. “Yifan wouldn’t challenge me, and he wouldn’t make any of the others challenge me either. He knows I’d win.”

“You’d win against him?” Sehun asked, surprised. “But you said before that you’re the weakest pureblood.”

“And you believed me?” Minseok’s tone had changed again, like it had earlier, and Sehun realized it was smug. “I can’t believe you fell for that. Actually, I can. No offence, but you’re not the brightest.”

Sehun scowled at the insult but only said. “So you aren’t the weakest?”

“Of course not. I’m the oldest; I’m the strongest.”

Sehun was surprised. “Isn’t Yifan the strongest?”

“Yifan is strong, in terms of physical strength. He’s also a vicious fighter. But he’s slow, and not agile. If it weren’t for his size and strength, he wouldn’t be at all impressive. Luhan’s more powerful than he is, in terms of ability. And I’m more powerful than both of them.”

Luhan was more powerful than Yifan too? Sehun stared at his hands, as if he were holding the power Luhan had shared with him.

“If you guys are so powerful,” Sehun asked, “Why haven’t you challenged him before?”

“Because he’s ordered us not to.” Minseok said. “He’s ordered us to never challenge him, and to never harm him. Even if we were willing to kill him in cold blood and be cast out, we can’t.”

“What about Junmyeon? Could he challenge Yifan?”

Minseok seemed to hesitate. “Maybe, but it would be difficult. Years ago Yifan ordered Junmyeon to stay away from him. Even though Junmyeon isn’t part of our pack anymore, that order is still in place. If he were to challenge Yifan, the order would be automatically lifted during the battle, but it would be a matter of Junmyeon finding a way to actually challenge him. Even if he could find a way, it’s likely Yifan would win. Junmyeon is the youngest of us, and also the weakest.”

Sehun clenched his hands. “Then what can we do? How do we stop him?”

“Now that Chanyeol’s stupid puppy blew my cover, I’m not sure. My plans won’t work anymore.” Sehun was tempted to ask about these plans, but had a feeling Minseok wasn’t finished speaking. He wasn’t. “There is something, but you probably won’t like it and there’s no way to tell if it’ll work.”

“What is it?”

“You could challenge Yifan.” When Sehun didn’t say anything, Minseok pressed on. “I’ll be honest, it’s more likely than not that he’d kill you. But since Luhan turned you, you should have better speed and agility. If you can use that to your advantage, you’ll have a chance.”

Sehun still didn’t say anything.

“I know it’s not ideal.” Minseok said, “But look at the alternative. Either way you’re Yifan’s prisoner, and thanks to Baekhyun the other pack won’t even know they need to rescue you. Luhan won’t know what happened to you, unless he comes back, which would make everything even worse. Yifan’s probably going to keep you locked up down here, like me, if he doesn’t kill you. Which is far more likely to happen. At least this way you’d have a chance to beat him.”

“Yeah. A slim chance.”

“Like I said, it’s not perfect. But it’s something, under the circumstances. Can you think of anything else?”

Sehun didn’t say anything, because he really couldn’t think of something else, and he didn’t want to admit that aloud.

“Look, it’s your decision.” Minseok said. “Just keep in mind, one way or another you probably won’t be alive this time tomorrow.”

Sehun tensed. That couldn’t be true. These couldn’t be his last hours, trapped in a small windowless room talking to a guy he barely knew and trusted even less. He couldn’t die now, not when he was so young and his life should just be beginning.

He wouldn’t even get to see Luhan again.

The stairwell door opened in the hall. A few seconds later Yixing arrived at Sehun’s door, Zitao just behind him. Zitao’s eyes were red, darting back and forth along the hall, as if he kept seeing things out of the corner of his eye.

“Yifan wants to speak with you.” Yixing said as he opened the door, “Please come with us and don’t resist -”

Yixing had barely finished speaking when Sehun shot out the open door. Yixing made a grab for him but missed. Sehun ran down the hall, gaze set on the stairwell. If he could just get in there, he’d make use of his agility and jump up the stairs if he had to.

Just before Sehun reached the door something slammed into him, knocking him to the floor. Sehun had just enough time to roll over when Zitao landed on him, gripping Sehun’s hair so tightly he yelped. Before Sehun could register what was going on Zitao had pulled up his head and slammed it back into the ground so hard Sehun heard a cracking sound. As unlikely as it was, Sehun really hoped that sound had been the floor and not his head.

That was Sehun’s last thought before everything went black.

Sehun woke up in a dark room. The only light came from the large windows running along the wall directly across from him, which overlooked the city. Standing in front of the windows, shadowed by the light, was a tall figure. He stood perfectly straight, back to Sehun as he surveyed the city, like he owned it.

“Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew you’d be a problem.” Yifan said.

Sehun stiffened. He hadn’t made a noise, yet Yifan had known the moment he woke up.

“I tried to remove you from the equation early on.” Yifan continued. “Unfortunately, Luhan was persistent. If only he hadn’t gone after you that night everything would be running smoothly. I must admit, I was surprised. Out of all of us, Luhan has always been the best at resisting temptation. I wonder what it was about you that swayed him. You’re nothing special. You didn’t even turn out to be an impressive wolf, despite being turned so close to the full moon.” Yifan sighed. “Jongin would have come out so much better. It really is a pity you showed up and ruined everything.”

While Yifan spoke, Sehun took stock of his surroundings. He was sitting at what seemed to be a conference table. Glancing over his shoulder, Sehun saw the only door in the room. It was closed, but unguarded. He was alone with Yifan.

“I wouldn’t try to escape, if I were you.” Yifan said, still not looking at him. “Yixing and Zitao are stationed outside, should you choose to be difficult. I also wouldn’t advise attacking me. You may, if you wish, but it won’t end well for you. And it will likely dirty my suit.”

“Why shouldn’t I attack you now?” Sehun demanded. “You’re going to kill me anyway, right?”

“Yes, that has always been my intention.” Yifan paused. “Unfortunately, Minseok had to involve himself before I could have you killed. Now it seems you’d be more useful to me alive. For the moment, at least.”

Sehun tensed. “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean? Isn’t it obvious? Thanks to you and Minseok, Luhan managed to escape. I’m going to use you to lure Luhan back, and make him stay.”

Sehun went cold.

“I likely won’t even have to command Luhan to do anything.” Yifan added. “He’ll do what I ask willingly, if your life’s in my hands.”

“No.” Sehun said. “You can’t.”

“You’ll find that I can. Even if I can’t command you yet, I can control every other wolf in this building. There’s no way you’ll ever get out of here alive. Luhan’s aware of that as well. As soon as he finds out I have you, he’ll return. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on his way right now.”

“Luhan won’t do that.” Sehun said, willing it to be true. “There’s too much at stake. He knows that. He won’t come back just for me.”

Yifan turned, just enough to meet Sehun’s eyes, his own scarlet. Sehun couldn’t help shrinking back, intimidated by the intenseness in Yifan’s gaze, and hating himself for it.

“He’ll come back,” Yifan said, “Specifically because it’s you.”

Sehun dropped his gaze, unable to stand eye contact with Yifan any longer. His heart hammered hard in his chest. He couldn’t believe this had happened, and so quickly. Luhan would come back and do whatever Yifan said, and then there would be no way to stop him. He’d be all powerful after the blue moon, and it was all Sehun’s fault. He’d probably be killed after Yifan got his power too. They’d lost, and there was nothing he could do.

Except one thing.

“I challenge you.” Sehun said, making himself meet Yifan’s eyes again. “I’m challenging you.”

Yifan rose one eyebrow. “Are you really in such a rush to die?”

Sehun didn’t want to die. Not now, and not after Yifan got his power. But at least if he died now, Yifan wouldn’t be able to use him against Luhan.

And who knew? Maybe Sehun could beat him.

“Are you ignoring my challenge?” Sehun demanded.

“Not at all. I’m simply giving you the chance to live longer, and end your life less painfully. But if you insist.” Yifan’s gaze fell on the door behind Sehun, which opened without prompting. “Yixing? Go retrieve the others, please, and bring them to the roof. Minseok as well. I’d like him to watch me cut his puppet’s strings.”

Sehun stared at the moon, lonely in the starless sky beyond the city lights. To a human, it probably looked full. Sehun remembered before he was bitten, always finding the moon phases indistinctive. He could never tell a full moon from a waning or waxing moon. Now, he couldn’t believe he’d ever had such trouble recognizing the full moon.

He really wished he’d live to see the next one.

Yifan stood across from him, on the flat roof of the club building. Sehun wasn’t surprised Yifan had decided to have the challenge up here. There was lots of room and no spectators, aside from Yifan’s pack.

They stood to the side, near the stairs, where they weren’t to move from until the match had ended. Yixing and Jongdae stood on either side of Minseok, who wasn’t bound but made no move to escape. That probably had something to do with the order to stay where he was that Yifan had given him the moment he arrived. For now, Minseok simply watched them, his expression unreadable.

Sehun had been kind of surprised that Yifan had wanted Minseok present for the match, but he was even more surprised to see Jongin there. He stood a few steps away from Jongdae, unguarded. Did he understand that if he tried to run they’d catch him instantly, or had Jongin decided to join the other pack?

Sehun couldn’t think about that. It hurt him too much, and right now he had to focus. Not on Minseok or Jongin or the fidgety, anxious Zitao so unlike the one he used to know.

“How would you like to fight?” Yifan asked him. He didn’t call out, but somehow Sehun could still hear him clearly, even though he was on the other side of the roof. “In wolf form, or human?”

Sehun hadn’t expected a choice. He glanced to Minseok, seeking guidance. The wolf wouldn’t look at him, gaze fixed in the distance.

“Human form.” Sehun finally said. As intimidating a human as Yifan was, he couldn’t help thinking his wolf form would be even worse. Probably even bigger, and with sharper claws.

“Very well.” Yifan straightened his tie. Sehun thought he might change out of his suit for the challenge, but he hadn’t. Would he really be able to fight in such a constricting outfit?

Sehun should have been glad, that at least he was wearing flexible clothing, but it just made him more apprehensive. Yifan thought he’d have no trouble beating Sehun in human form, wearing a suit. He wasn’t even taking off his tie.

“In that case, shall we begin?”

Sehun swallowed, his throat dry. “Yeah.”

Yifan gave a single nod, before his gaze cut to the rest of the pack. “Watch carefully, Minseok. I know you’ve been anticipating this.”

Minseok glared at him. “Try not to fall off the roof, leader.”

Yifan smirked. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d tell you, but you ordered me not to lie to you awhile ago, so I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“You’ve already hurt me, betraying me and your pack.”

“Not the pack.” Minseok said, “Only you.”

Sehun glanced from Minseok to Yifan. Did Yifan not take him seriously at all, chatting with Minseok even after their match had started? And why did Minseok keep talking to him? Was he trying to give Sehun time to attack while Yifan was distracted?

Realizing that had to be it, Sehun stole himself to make the first move. Before he could, however, he heard Yifan say to Minseok. “Are you really acting like I’m the only one you’ve deceived? You’ve managed to trick all of us, at some point. Even this boy here. Although that couldn’t have been very difficult. He’s rather naive.”

Sehun froze as Yifan gestured to him. What did he mean, Minseok had tricked him?

“Shut up and fight already.” Minseok growled.

“Are you attempting to give me an order? I’m afraid it’s the other way around.” Suddenly, Yifan’s attention snapped to Sehun. Seeing that Sehun was still confused over their conversation, he smirked. “You didn’t realize Minseok was playing you as well? I’m not surprised. He’s rather cunning. I suppose that comes with old age.”

“Shut up!” Minseok snapped again, but Sehun had a feeling he wasn’t angry because of the taunt about his age.

“What are you talking about?” Sehun asked Yifan. Half of him screamed he shouldn’t listen to the leader and just fight, but the other half wanted to know how exactly Minseok had deceived him. He’d always suspected the eldest pureblood of having ulterior motives, but he’d never understood them.

“What am I talking about? I’m talking about this.” Yifan waved between them. “This is exactly what Minseok wanted. It wasn’t hard to figure out, after that weakling from the other pack told me what he’d overheard. Everything Minseok has had you do up till now has been to reach this point. He’s always wanted you to challenge me.”

Sehun’s eyes widened. He looked at Minseok.

“Sehun,” Minseok started to say, “Don’t listen -”

“Stop speaking, Minseok.” Yifan said, and Minseok clamped his mouth shut. He glared daggers at Yifan, but the leader ignored him, attention back on Sehun. “Minseok is very logical, so I doubt he expects you to defeat me. Even with some of Luhan’s power, you don’t stand a chance. We both know that, so I suspect he only wants you to tire me out, perhaps wound me. Then he likely has another wolf in the wings - from the other pack, I suppose - to come out and challenge me after I’ve killed you. He thinks I’ll be worn out enough from one challenge to defeat.

“Of course,” Yifan continued, “On the off chance you defeat me, and thereby become the leader of our pack, he’ll kill you himself to steal the title. That’s always what he’s been after, you see. Not removing me from power, but getting the power for himself. Ever since we were young, that’s always been his goal. He’s always felt entitled to the leadership, being the eldest. He still doesn’t understand he wasn’t made to be the leader; I was.”

Sehun knew his mouth was open in shock, but he couldn’t find the strength to close it. He turned his stunned gaze to Minseok, hoping to get something from him to erase Yifan’s words, even if he was mute. But all he saw was Minseok’s eyes, glowing red with anger, pinned on Yifan. His jaw was clenched with words he couldn’t say. The pureblood looked like he was going to explode.

In contrast, Sehun felt frozen. Despite Yifan being who he was, Sehun believed him. It all made sense now, everything Minseok had done. It hadn’t been out of kindness or concern, but to get power. Minseok was just like Yifan, and Sehun had played right into his hands.

“I just thought you should understand the circumstances surrounding your death.” Yifan said calmly.

“My...death?” Sehun echoed. He still hadn’t recovered from his shock.

“Yes.” Yifan said. “This.”

The next thing Sehun knew he was on his back, the air knocked out of his lungs. Yifan stood above him, face passive as he unclenched the hand he’d used to punch Sehun. Sehun gasped for breath, stunned at both Yifan’s speed and strength. Hadn’t Minseok said he was slow?

But Minseok had probably lied about that too, to get Sehun to challenge Yifan. To make him think he had a chance.

“How would you like to die?” Yifan asked. “Beaten to death? A tragic fall? Or...” Yifan held up his hand, displaying a set of sharp black claws, “Something more colourful?”

Sehun rolled out of the way a second before Yifan’s hand came down, claws swiping through the air with a faint hiss. If Sehun hadn’t moved, they would have gone through his stomach.

Fighting back a surge of panic, Sehun jumped to his feet. Yifan was already facing him again, flexing his hand as his claws caught the lights of the city. Sehun backed up, mind racing. How could he defeat a super fast and super strong opponent?

Sehun felt the back of his shoe scuff something, and turned to find he’d already reached the edge of the roof. Casting a quick glance down, he realized he was at the part of the roof overlooking the city. Pedestrians crowded around the club entrance, and cars whizzed by on the street, unaware of the fight to the death stories above. Sehun swallowed hard. There was nowhere to jump, no escape.

Sehun had only looked away for a second, but when he turned back Yifan was already in front of him. Again, Sehun just barely avoided a swipe that would have both cut his chest and sent him flying off the roof. Retreating from Yifan, Sehun cast a glance around the roof. He couldn’t get back down the stairs, the pack was blocking that exit, but maybe he could take the fight on the run, go roof to roof. If he could tire Yifan out, or reach a jump the leader wasn’t agile enough to achieve...

What was he thinking? Yifan probably had ten times the amount of stamina he did - he hadn’t even broken a sweat, and Sehun already felt his shirt sticking to his skin - and even if Minseok had said Yifan wasn’t agile, that was probably a lie too.

Still, Sehun couldn’t come up with a better plan. If he stayed here, facing Yifan one on one like this, he’d definitely be overpowered.

Sehun started to edge to the other side of the roof, which was close enough to another building of similar height for a jump. Yifan continued to approach at a slow, purposeful pace, like a predator circling its prey. Sehun bit his lip, trying to gauge the distance to the end of the roof. Yifan followed his gaze, and was instantly blocking his path. Sehun backed up, wondering if he should try one of the other sides, which might have a fire escape below.

“How long do you plan on running away?” Yifan asked. “Aren’t you the one who challenged me?”

Sehun ignored him. He knew Yifan was only trying to distract him. He continued to try and search for a way out.

“We both know how this is going to end. Why don’t we end it sooner, rather than later? It would save everyone a lot of time. Besides, the sooner you’re dead, the sooner Luhan can move on. Perhaps he’ll even return to your friend. You and Luhan got on rather well before Sehun came along, didn’t you Jongin?”

Sehun’s gaze snapped to Jongin, who was open-mouthed at being addressed. Jongin realized Sehun was looking at him and met his eyes. Sehun didn’t look away, waiting for Jongin to say something. Did Jongin really want him dead if that meant he could be with Luhan?

“Sehun...” Jongin said, voice soft. Then his expression hardened and he called out: “Don’t die! You can beat him!”

Yifan chuckled. “Disappointing that you don’t have more faith in your leader, Jongin. Still, I suppose, letting Sehun know you believe in him is a nice sentiment with which to send him off.”

Sehun turned back just as Yifan grabbed him by the neck. He gasped in surprise, then pain as Yifan squeezed and lifted him up in the air. He felt his feet lift off the ground and immediately tried kicking at Yifan. Yifan only smirked, tightening his hold again as Sehun raked at the hands around his neck. He’d managed to extend his own black claws, but they were small and blunt in comparison to Yifan’s.

Yifan used his claws now, digging one nail of his free hand into Sehun’s bite mark. Sehun cried out as the nail dig tore his skin, drawing blood. Yifan dragged his nail down, cutting flesh and material as he went, still holding Sehun up with his other hand. Sehun howled in pain, beating at Yifan’s arm helplessly. The leader didn’t even waver.

“Would you have still challenged me, I wonder, if you’d known Minseok’s plan in advance?” Yifan drew back his finger, inspecting the blood covering his black claw. “If you’d truly understood that you could never beat me, would you have still done this?”

“Yes.” Sehun choked out, earning a somewhat surprised look from Yifan.

Yifan’s hold on his neck slackened, but still felt crushing. “And why is that?”

“Because,” Sehun gasped, “I won’t let you use me to get to Luhan!”

Again, Yifan looked surprised. Then his gaze flashed and his hold on Sehun hardened, crushing his windpipe. Sehun didn’t even have air to gasp anymore as his vision blurred.


All of Sehun’s senses were numbed, but he still heard the voice, cutting through the fogginess now surrounding his brain. Distantly, Sehun registered Yifan’s hold on him loosening.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Yifan asked, but his voice wasn’t directed to Sehun. “You understand what it means to interrupt a challenge?”

“I know.” The voice said, sounding shaky. “Please, Yifan, don’t kill him. You can kill me if you want, but not him. He doesn’t deserve this.”

“On the contrary, he was the one to challenge me. Not only does he deserve death, but he is prepared to face it.”

“I don’t care!” Now it sounded like the person was crying. “I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t kill him!”

“You’ll do whatever I say regardless. You’ve never had a choice in the matter, and you still do not.”

“I know, but... but you’ve always had to force me. I’ve always fought you however I could. I won’t do that anymore. I’ll be completely complacent, no matter what. Just don’t kill him.”

Yifan paused, hand still wrapped around Sehun’s throat. Sehun was almost glad his vision was blurry, so that even if he could turn around he wouldn’t be able to see the speaker. He didn’t want to know who had saved him. Not after what he’d just said.

But it didn’t matter. Sehun knew who it was anyway. He’d know Luhan’s voice, his presence, anywhere.

“Very well.” Yifan said.

Suddenly Sehun was on the ground, his legs collapsing beneath him. He gasped for breath, clutching at his neck. He could still feel Yifan’s hands there, even though he’d been released.

Sehun was dizzy but he managed to locate Luhan, standing halfway between them and the rest of the pack. There were tear streaks running down his cheeks, and his eyes looked glassy from crying. He was staring at Sehun, lips trembling.

“Don’t hold back on my account.” Yifan said. “Go to him, if you’d like. We all know how much he means to you. You’ve made that very clear.”

Luhan ran to Sehun, falling to the ground beside him. He gathered Sehun in his arms, pulling him to his chest. Sehun was too weak to even wrap his arms around Luhan; all he could do was rest his head on his shoulder.

Luhan’s breath came short and ragged against Sehun’s neck, as if he was the one who’d almost been killed. “I’m so sorry Sehun. I’m so, so sorry.”

Sehun closed his eyes, flashing back to the night he’d been bitten and Luhan had rubbed his back, repeating those exact words over and over.

“It’s not your fault.” Sehun whispered into Luhan’s shoulder, so low he didn’t know if the wolf would hear. He said it anyway. It was his first time saying, to himself or out loud, that he didn’t blame Luhan anymore.

Luhan stiffened, then tightened his hold on Sehun. “It is. All of this is my fault.”

Sehun didn’t have the strength to argue. Luhan could blame himself if he wanted, but at least this way he knew Sehun didn’t blame him anymore. “You shouldn’t have come back.”

Luhan’s voice caught on a sob, “If I didn’t you’d be dead now!”

“That...” Sehun sucked in a breath, “That would be better than what’s going to happen.”

Sehun was back in his cell. Well, maybe not the same cell. He wasn’t entirely sure. All he knew was that Minseok was in the room to his right now, closer to the stairwell, instead of to his left. Not that he’d spoken to Minseok. Somehow, he hadn’t felt like talking to that particular pureblood.

Jongin was in the cell on the other side of Sehun’s. They hadn’t spoken either, since they’d been brought back down to the basement. That had more to do with the fact Minseok would hear anything they said than because they didn’t want to speak to each other. After Jongin showed him support back up on the roof, Sehun felt like even if things between them weren’t fixed or forgiven, they were getting there.

If they lived long enough.

They’d been down in the basement for almost an hour, when Jongin called out. “I don’t suppose you have a plan now?”

Minseok seemed to know Jongin was talking to him, because he chuckled. “Not yet.”

“That’s encouraging.” Jongin grumbled. Despite the fact they were talking about their hopeless situation, Sehun felt a little better hearing their voices. Even Minseok’s voice.

“Yifan was lying, you know.” Minseok said.

Suddenly, Sehun wasn’t so happy about hearing his voice anymore. “Save it.”

“No, really. You shouldn’t believe everything he says.”

“Like I believed everything you said?”

“We both know you didn’t. You just did what I said. That’s completely different than believing it.”

“Ignore him, Sehun.” Jongin said.

“I am.”

“Ignore me if you want, but I’m still going to say this: Yifan was wrong...he’s the one who wasn’t cut out to be the leader, not me.”

Sehun couldn’t help rolling his eyes, even though no one could see him. “I guess he was wrong about everything else too?”

“No, just that. I was using you to steal the leadership from him, and I did intend to kill you if that was required. Nothing personal.”

Sehun snorted. Somehow Minseok owning up to his underhanded plans didn’t make him feel any better about being played.

The stairwell door opened and they all fell silent. As soon as the person stepped into the hall, Sehun knew it was Luhan. His heart did a little skip, then dropped. As much as he wanted to see Luhan, this situation wasn’t exactly ideal.

Surprisingly, Luhan didn’t go to Sehun’s cell right away but Minseok’s.

“I can’t believe you.” Luhan spat. “After all this time, you’d do something like this to me?”

“What are you talking about?” Minseok asked. “If anything, all that I’ve done was protect you. Up until you got the bright idea to come back to the guy forcing you to mate with him, that is.”

“You know what I mean!” Luhan snapped. “The others told me! You were using Sehun this whole time!”

“And that surprises you because...?” Minseok sighed. “Luhan, we’ve known each other since we were little. You know I use everyone.”

“Maybe, but I didn’t think you’d go this far.”

“I didn’t think you’d react this badly. He’s only a human, after all.”

“How can you say that?” Luhan demanded. “Isn’t that guy you turned a human too?”

Minseok didn’t reply right away. When he did, his voice was defensive. “Of course he is, but I don’t see what he has to do with anything.”

“You don’t, do you? Because I’m wondering how you can act like you think the same as Yifan, that humans are worthless, when you’ve gone to such lengths to keep him safe.”

Again, Minseok paused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Should I remind you, then? You didn’t bring him back to the pack after turning him. You didn’t approach him for almost a year after turning him because Yifan was still watching you, trying to find out who you’d turned. Why would you do that, if not to keep him safe?”

“He’s just another pawn.” Minseok hissed. “That’s it. I didn’t want Yifan to know he existed. If he’d joined our pack, Yifan would have been able to control him more than me. It was all so I could use him. Nothing else.”

By now Sehun was sure they were talking about Chanyeol. What Minseok was saying made sense, and sounded like something he would do, keeping Chanyeol as a backup puppet. A devoted one, too. But still, there was something off in Minseok’s tone.

“You’re lying.” Luhan said, then in a quieter voice. “I know you, Minseok.”

“You don’t know me that well!” Minseok snapped, but even Sehun could tell he was shaken. “You didn’t think I’d be willing to sacrifice your precious first turn, did you?”

“No, I didn’t. I didn’t know any of this was going on. But when the others told me your plan, I wasn’t surprised. Angry, yes. Not surprised.”

“I guess you do know me then.” Minseok said dryly. “Congratulations.”

Luhan didn’t say anything else, just walked away. The next thing Sehun knew Luhan was at his door, peering in through the window. Sehun quickly got up to meet him.

“I wish I could get you out of here.” Luhan said, his gaze filled with pain as he looked at Sehun. “Yifan’s ordered me not to break you out. Any of you.”

That didn’t surprise Sehun. “What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Luhan whispered. After a moment, he put his hand up against the glass. Sehun put his hand up too, so that it covered Luhan’s. Luhan smiled a little. “Your hand’s bigger than mine.”

“Ew. Can you guys not?” Jongin’s voice drifted from his cell, with only an edge of genuine anger.

Blushing, Luhan looked away from Sehun. He didn’t drop his hand, though.

“There has to be something you can do.” Sehun said, speaking quietly in case Yifan had someone stationed in the stairwell that might hear them. “Can you contact the other pack? Or get away somehow?”

Luhan shook his head. “Yifan’s ordered me not to leave the building until after the blue moon. Even if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t go. If I take one step out of line he says he’ll kill you.”

Sehun tried not to let his fear show. “He’s going to kill me anyway. After you guys... after the blue moon, he’ll kill me.”

“You know he’s right.” Minseok said.

“No.” Luhan said vehemently. “I’ll talk to him. I’ll find a way to convince him to let you live. Maybe I can even get him to let you join the pack. Once he’s able to control everyone, he’ll know you aren’t a threat anymore.”

“I’m not a threat now. Even if he can’t control me, look at me Luhan. You saw the fight. He could have killed me in seconds, if he wanted.” Sehun leaned closer to the glass, wishing the door wasn’t between them. “Even if he did somehow let me live, we both know it wouldn’t be any sort of life, under his complete control. Not for you or me or any of the other wolves.”

“But what else can we do?” Luhan nearly wailed. “I can’t let him kill you!”

“We’ll... think of something.”

“No you won’t.” Minseok said. “I’ll think of something. I’m the only one here any good at making plans.”

Jongin spoke again. “You mean the plans that got me captured, you captured, and Sehun almost killed?”

“Yes, but you weren’t supposed to be involved at all. And Sehun dying was technically part of the plan.”

“You know what?” Jongin said. “That makes me feel so much better about letting you come up with the escape plan.”

“You talk like my escape plan’s going to include you.”

“If it did include me I’d probably be a sacrificial distraction or something.”

“Oh!” Minseok said, as if he were impressed. “I hadn’t thought of that! Good idea!”

“Luhan?” Jongin asked. “Can you ask Yifan really nicely to put Minseok somewhere away from us?”

“Say something else, kid.” Minseok said. “I’d like to see how saucy you are when I’m walking out of here on my own.”

“Bite me.”

“That’s already been done, hasn’t it?”

There was a bang in Jongin’s cell. Sehun didn’t know if Jongin had thrown something at the wall, or punched it.

Despite Jongin and Minseok’s arguing, Luhan’s focus was still on Sehun. “Is your wound healed?”

Realizing Luhan meant the bloody trail Yifan had drawn down his shoulder and chest during the fight, Sehun offered a weak smile. “Yeah.”

It wasn’t, but from where he was Luhan couldn’t see the wound, and Sehun didn’t want him feeling any worse.

Luhan looked a little relieved at hearing this, but not much. He was still troubled. Which was understandable. Sehun was troubled too.

“I’ll come back later.” Luhan said. “I wish I could stay longer, but Yifan said if I stayed any more than ten minutes he’d send the others down to drag me back up. I don’t want to make him mad, just in case...”

Luhan trailed off, but Sehun knew what he meant. He really would follow all of Yifan’s directions perfectly, in case disregarding him would hurt Sehun.

“Luhan.” Sehun said softly, when the other wolf started to turn away. Luhan looked back at him, and Sehun tried for the most encouraging smile he could muster. “It’s going to be ok.”

Luhan didn’t say anything for a moment, grinning to himself. The grin didn’t reach his eyes. “I should be the one saying that to you.”

“I’m kind of saying it to myself too, to be honest.”

“You don’t have to do that, not now that I’m here.” Luhan met his eyes again. “It’s going to be ok, Sehun.”

Sehun wanted to believe Luhan when he said that, like Luhan had probably wanted to believe him when he’d said it. But under the circumstances, he didn’t see how either of them could believe anything would be ok.

10 I 12

chaptered, hunhan

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