Updating Again

Apr 01, 2009 20:22

High All, just gettin in touch to update my contacts... again. I am sooooooo (plus infinity) crap at keeping in touch with people. There are so, so many lovely people out there that i just don't keep in touch with. I haven't yet worked out why cos basically i end up being isolated and lonely so it doesn't really make any sense. Oh well. So get in touch (if you want to) i don't care who you are, if you think i don't like you or something like that it's rubbish. There are things people do (obviously including myself) that i dislike but there are very few people i dislike. So you wanna chat to someone about any old thing then get in touch. I can chat about whatever you want, i've never been found short of an opinion about something, heck, even if i don't have a clue what i'm talking about, maybe that makes it better, who knows.
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