Oct 12, 2005 01:53
What you are about to read is a string of emails sent between my mother and I. The original subject line was "In Honor of National Coming Out Day..." The conversation went as follows, slightly edited, because I hate the name my mother calls me. Here goes:
Me: I have something to tell you... Mom, I like..........girls, I like them a
whole lot...
Her: Well, [Flufy], as long as YOU are happy, son, that is all I can hope for. Are you happy?
Me: To an extent, yes I am.
Her: What does that mean?
Her: Are you trying to say to me that you wear dresses?
Me: I already told you that in May, mom...
Her: Then what is it, [Flufy]. What is it you are trying to tell me?
Me: When I do, it's not what we'd consider "crossdressing."
So that's it. The cat (That being me, for anyone who knows nothing about me) is out of the bag. Or closet, as it were. Dad probably won't know untill after my birthday, as I can use all the auto parts I can get from him as presents before he stops speaking to me because his only son turned out to be his first of two daughters, or probably second, as he'd see it. Mom is likely sleeping right now, when I get more on the issue, I'll post it to a new entry. Wish me luck.