Feb 11, 2005 22:57
I don't think I'm cool. I mean here I am thinking "Why is diarrhea called diarrhea?" It could be called anything but no, it's diarrhea. How stupid.
There's a big discussion over at the Adam Green boards 'cause he said 'nigger'. Well, I am one of those so called 'niggers' and I don't feel offended. We should all relax, take a chill pill and just get along. Peace and stuff. Why freak out over some stupid word? It was probably a joke anyway. Pfft. *shakes head*
I think I need to go out, party my ass off, get really drunk and sleep on a park bench. I've not done that in ages. And I feel way too thoughtful. I end up thinking of really stupid things like my above mentioned diarrhea problem.
Hail whores.
<3 Adam and the Moldy Peaches. I like them so they ALL deserve a heart. And my fiancée, of course.