I just recently found my old notebook. The one from about this time last summer, when the new Trek movie came out. I drew maps of the Beta Quadrant. Albeit shitty ones. Because of this movie.
I don't recognize that person.
Right now I am tired, numb, perpetually toying with the last two-fifths of two different stories in two fandoms, and. This had a point.
I'm just happier, as a person, when I'm fixated on something.
Oh, and I lied, I've been sucked in by things like
this and Raymond Chandler, because I can't leave the Chandler alone, I can't put it down, I've been trying to read it for two years and it's finally, finally FINALLY out in reprints again; anything to make a buck, and more to make a quick one.
I do better work with someone else's frame of reference.
If I were actually unique, I have a vague idea that this would bother me.
The best part is that this new attachment started as a throwaway reference in my current one because I straight up wasn't having fun anymore.