another meme swiped from wolfmusic218

Nov 02, 2007 15:07

1. one place you volunteer (or would like to)? Why?
I don't, but I'd love to volunteer for a pet rescue organization. I just don't have the spare weekend time due to my job. I do, however, take in a ton of animals. I might as well be my OWN pet rescue group! I just love animals, and I feel that they don't have their own voices that we humans can understand properly (believe me, they have their own voices!), and someone needs to speak out for them...

2. one book you'd like to see made into a movie? Why?
Well, I'd say a really good version of Beowulf, new and with special effects that are appropriate for our time, but it was just done, and we will be seeing it in the theatre, so that's out, but now I say "Walden"--Henry David Thoreau, and in fact, I'd love to see a movie about his whole life. It would be amazing.

3. one creature (living, extinct, or mythical) you'd like for a pet? Why?
I don't know if I can pick one, but how about one from each category?
Living: an exotic cat: I don't believe they should be kept as pets, but since we're fantasizing, I'd love to have one, I think they are amazing creatures, and I can watch my domestic cats all day long, I think it would fascinate me to watch an exotic cat all day long.
Extinct: a dinosaur, any kind: again, I know they shouldn't be kept as pets, but since we're fantasizing, they are such spectactular and amazing creatures, can you imagine having one as a pet, wow!
Mythical: a dragon, totally: I think they are magnificent creatures, amazing, I'd love to feel the wind rushing through my hair as we soar through the night sky--much better than a broom, ya know? ;)

4. one place on Earth you'd like to visit? Why?
Stonehenge--sacred ground, I'm sure the energy would knock me off my feet and paralyze my ass, but what the hell?

5. one talent or skill you'd like to develop? Why?
my sensitivity, it scares the hell out of me, but I'd like to keep developing it more, and see what else I could do with it. And the Craft. I've been told I have a lot of power within, but that I should let it out. I'd like to do that.

cool memes

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