Sick as a dog

Jan 08, 2006 13:35

Well I`m still sick and my mom now tells me that I have a cold. Also Cloud woke me up at 4:30 this morning when I didn't go to bed till 1:30. I know I should have gone to bed eariler but I only have two days a week to stay up late and get in all of the reading I can. Normally I stay up till about 3 but I was so tired I had to go to bed at 1:30. I did manage to get more sleep inbetween the times I took Cloud out. I find that the only time my mom will deel with Cloud is when I have to take a shower or maybe once during five times she has to go out in the morning. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have Cloud and everything could go back to normal, but then I remind myself that I have wanted a Husky sense I was in the second grade and that I would admiting defeat if I did get rid of her. Both Sean and JErrit got a chance to have dogs of their own to take care of and both failed because they did not take constant care of their dogs. I won't do that. All I have to keep teeling myself is that she will get over all of this in about four months. Now if only these last two weeks hadn't felt like a year.

I am in seriuos need of a vacation but I know I`m not going to get one anytime soon so I just have to take it. I mean come on I already deal with School, Karate, writing, and homework. What's having a baby to that scedule right. Of course I don;t think I will be able to preform another NaNoWriMo anytime soon, but that's okay I guess sense I really need to do NaNoEdMo, also known as NAtional Novel Editing Month. My Cloud the Warrior story is in some seriuos need of fixing. I`ve started rewriting the fight parts and the prologe for the Lit club. I really have no idea how to go about editing this story so I`m just taking it as I go. I could always get a book on editing or something like that but I never did take other people's advice very well.

I happy to know that Larry, Meghan, and Bridget want to read my story so much but I can't give it to them until I`m done editing it first which may take a little while. When I give it to them to read I would like to give it to them in a hardback cover. Now wouldn't that be awsome. I feel so nervuos about all this writing buisness though. I won't be humble and say I`m a horrible writer because personally I`m quite proud of my writing abilities but I also won't go so far to say I`m publishing material. I read all the time about people that send off books to get published left and right and they always come back with rejection slips. The people that do say they got published on their first try, its because they had friends in the publishing buisness. I don't know anybody. I guess I will just have to see when I get done. I got the hard part done by finishing the rough draft, now I just goit to get cracking on the editing. I still can't beleve I printed out seven dollars worth of paper. *chuckles*

Speaking of my love of writing I love to Roleplay but the only person I ever seem to like to roleplay with is a some girl I've never even met who is a worse speller then Meghan and I combined. Our story now is so absolutly crazy I don't know what to think about it but my roleplay with her and bridget has helped me come up for ideas left and right for my Cloud series. It also helps be come up with ideas for my fanfics sometimes. Though most of my fanfic ideas come from other fanfics. I really wish I could update one of my stories but I really only have a faint outline of what I want to do with any of them and right now I barely have time for any writing at all except for this and editing my story. *sigh* I`ll figure something out, I always do.

P.S. Thanks for the coment Meghan, your so weird. I am not an Ideal Child in any way.
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