fic updates

Sep 19, 2015 11:58

as i come above the waterline for a second or two to inhale some non-exam air, i bring you the fics i had written for me AND those i wrote for the two exchanges i participated in on ao3, the rarepairfest and notprimetime. ENJOY.


The Firedrake

GALS, this story is crazy. ginny weasley, f/f/f sex+relationship+romance shit. and because the author noticed i listed dragons in my likes, the entire setting, the bar/hotel is dragon themed. bless.

The Box Controls the Magic Mirror

Abed & Annie & Shrek/fairytales. read this shit, yo. it's great. Abed looks for a way Annie could be a princess.

MY STUFF. ok so i volunteered to pinch hit 3 times in these 2 exchanges (twice for the same person, lol ♥) so there's 5 fics.

sharing spaces

the streets of fire (1984) (aka that movie no one's watched or cared about ever, that i adore), mccoy/tom cody, post-movie.

“Look, this Bonnie and Clyde thing, I’m not cut out for it.”

“What, you anti guns now?”

“No. The Clyde part. I do a mean Bonnie when I have to.”

[a car, a motel, an apartment]

guys, this is the longest one-shot i've ever written, over 3k words, i know it's not a lot, but it's a lot for me, so yay.

cooking, cohabitation & boys falling off stools

gossip girl | dan/nate sort of cohabitating in brooklyn.

i have to say, this was a WEIRD-ASS experience. i've never written slash before, and it was such an unusual experience, trying to look at a boy through another boy's eyes and i completely blanked out for a while trying to answer a question "how does it happen that a boy decides to kiss another boy?" basically, femmeslash & women 5eva for me, it seems. though i don't think it turned out bad, all in all.

competitive recycling

community | britta/jeff. the post-s6 fic i wanted to read somewhere, even though it's done a bit differently that the one i had in my head and wanted to read when s6 was over. "We should do a recycling themed party," she suggests. The Dean loves the idea, because he gets to wear a costume. Jeff hates it, and laughs. What else is new.

(waiting for) upheaval

gilmore girls | paris (& rory).

"Aren't there laws against these kinds of things?" Rory picks up almost immediately.

"What kinds of things?"

"Waking up innocent citizens at 3 am."

"It's 3:18 and actually, I'm pretty sure that would be too much legislation, even for you liberals."

"You're a liberal, too, Paris."

"Not at 3:18 I'm not. At 3:18 I'm just a person who wants to sleep."

make me

i may love all the other fics i've written for these exchanges, but this one's my baby.

community | abed/annie. There is a game of sorts, that Abed and Annie play.


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