fic post (tvd, tw, reign, graceland)

Jun 03, 2014 16:18

This is some fic I've written a while ago for Marta's ficathon, but never got around to posting it on my LJ.

choices | reign | mary/bash | G | 444 words | for upupa-epops, who prompted Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine. because she is evil.

There's something wrong with this story. The story, it's upside down and rightside left and with twists and turns no one could have foreseen. He's sure something's wrong, but he can't figure out where or why it all went to hell. But then she asks him something and he still obeys, even if the part of the boy who is the love of the girl's life is already taken, and by someone who is not him.

He stays anyway.


Would you -

she asks.

Yes, he answers. I would.


They escape. (That's exactly what this is; two horses, riding away, while Francis shouts and shouts and pours out the pieces of his heart that don't belong to France, those that have always belonged to Bash and Mary.) This is escaping.

They do not look back and Francis does not follow. (Francis will choose France over anything else, perhaps even over Mary. Bash will choose Mary over anything, perhaps even over Francis. Mary will choose Scotland, over and over, until there is nothing to choose and fight for, and then she will start over and choose Scotland again. Bash knows this, has always known this. Bash is almost alright with it.)


Mary is sitting on the bed, shivering in her wet clothes and Bash cannot help her.

He gets her some clean, dry clothes and he turns his back so she can change. He doesn't take a peek (alright, he does, but only once) and he thinks that this is not how it should have turned out. The bastard brother in love with a woman who will never love him back, it does not make sense to be on the run with her, does not make sense at all. It should be Francis or it should be one of her girls, but it shouldn't be him. It still is.

(Then again, the only thing that matters more than God's will and God's plans are Mary's plans, and if Mary still wants him here, than he will be here, everything else be damned. There are the Scriptures of God, and there is also the way that Mary's fingers shiver when she takes the dry clothes from him and her voice that falters when she tries to say thank you. And if he ever has to choose, well -- he knows where his allegiance lies.)


In the end, Bash chooses Mary. He spills blood and chooses her and she spills blood and chooses Scotland and sometimes Francis and sometimes even Bash, but not as often as he'd like her to, and still much more often than she ever thought she would.


I would, he says.

You would what?


stay | teen wolf | stiles(/scott) | around 400 words | prompt: let's say you swallowed a bad thing and now it's got it's hands inside you; this is the essence of love and failure | for scorpiod1

You first met the boy in elementary school. He had messy hair and warm eyes and didn't talk to people much, but then again neither did you. He ate lunch alone in the cafeteria, and sometimes sat alone without lunch. (You remember your father told you something about the boy's mother raising him alone and you think it makes sense, that she sometimes forgets to pack the boy his lunch, if she has to do all the work alone. He supposes his father feels that way sometimes too.) So one time you came to sit next to him and offered to give him half of your sandwich, and the boy smiled and took the sandwich.

And you've been friends ever since.

You were friends when you had the flu that one time, and you didn't want to leave your bed for three days other than to go to the bathroom occasionally and Scott, he climbed through your window on the second night and climbed into your bed with you and listened to you complain about the flu and your nose and not being able to breathe. But you didn't feel that much of a need to complain with Scott here, because Scott thought you were worth listening to and being around anyway, so you didn't have to pull pranks or lie or exaggerate to get him to stay. Scott just stayed.

And he came around the next day too, and while he was browsing through your DVD collection, he just casually said You know, I've never seen Star Wars. You were shocked, because that was outrageous, he couldn't continue his existence without seeing Star Wars, and he promised to see it, and you wanted to watch it again with him, to make sure he watches it and appreciates it, and you put in the DVD and you carefully set up the pillows the most comfortable way possible, and he fell asleep before you'd even started the movie, but it was okay, he'd been here all day, listening to you and taking care of you and he'd even brought you notes from school which you knew weren't his because he could never write in such a neat way, so you forgave him for this slight error. And if you thought you'd sleep better if you took you hand into his and you didn't do it in the end, well that was almost as if you didn't think if in the first place.

kiss the girl | the vampire diaries | caroline/stefan | 280 words | for lynzie914 who prompted this is when they would kiss. of course, they don’t.

He thinks sometimes everything would be better if he just kissed her.

He doesn't mean it to sound as grand as that, it's not, and anyway he doesn't mean it like that, not really. He just thinks sometimes it would be better if he kissed her than it is like this. Sometimes.

Because Caroline, she says I'll go kill your doppelganger and her eyes aren't different than before she said I'll go kill your doppelganger and her voice isn't different than before she said I'll go kill your doppelganger and they should be - right? There should be some difference, something, because she could not say something like this and remain the same with the world still spinning like nothing happened, like Caroline Forbes didn't just promise to kill someone just for having a copy of a copy of a copy of one man's face.

But he takes another breath then, has been holding one for quite some time now actually, and as he exhales she exhales too and she looks at him as she exhales and she is still the same and the world still hasn't stopped spinning even if he thought it would be and maybe this means something.

You're lying, he whispers, so one else hears, and he thinks then that he should kiss her. Because Caroline Forbes pretends she'll murder people for him, and schemes and plots and makes sure the world keeps turning as it should. But then she hugs him quickly and smiles and turns away and he's too slow to do it, even though he should have, he knows he should have and then she's gone.

Maybe when she comes back.
He can kiss her when she comes back.

things she knows | graceland | charlie/paul | ~530 words | for scorpiod1, who prompted congratulations on the mess you've made of things

Things Charlie knows:

It's confusing sometimes for her, being in her own head, and Briggs is part of what's confusing her (and sometimes most of what is confusing her) and he never does anything to make any of it easier for her.

Things Charlie knows:

Paul Briggs is like solving a Rubik's cube. You're just about to make your move, do something that you think will solve everything when all of a sudden, something turns out somewhere unexpected, and it's not something that you thought could ever happen. But you take a breath and give it another look and you go on and you learn a new lesson every time.

(Reasons number 1 to 27 why Paul Briggs is not exactly like solving a Rubik's cube: Paul Briggs doesn't get boring. Reasons number 28 to 99 why Paul Briggs is not exactly like solving a Rubik's cube: with Paul Briggs you're never really finished. There's always at least one more move left.)

But things change and some things get clearer and some are not as clear as they were.

Things Charlie knows:

She used to think Paul Briggs was a god. She was young and he wasn't as young and he knew things she wanted to know herself one day and he could assemble a single-barelled shotgun faster than she could and sometimes did it with his eyes closed, because he was that much of a show off.

(This does not matter now, though, because Briggs also might be a drug dealer, and it doesn't impress her if dealers are good at things, dealers belong in jail, and if he is one, well then she'll put him in there herself.)

Things Charlie knows:

She used to think Briggs looked like an angel if she looked at him from the right angle. She would look at him sometimes while he changed and helped him if he needed help with his torn clothes, sticky with someone else's blood and sometimes his as well and the smell of bullets and ash and death with them in the room. He had scars everywhere and she traced some of them with her fingers and then lost herself in thought and touch and skin and he would say her name, Charlie, he'd call out for her and then she'd remember this wasn't supposed to be happening, so she would punch him playfully instead, because they're cops and they're heroes and they don't do gentle, no sir.

Things Charlie knows:

They do gentle sometimes.

Not immediately, first it's all her pushing Briggs against the wall and her fingers digging into his neck and Briggs tearing off her shirt, needing to breath and not wanting to breath at the same time, Briggs biting her everywhere and Charlie trying to touch as much skin as she can, they teach you this in the Bureau?, no, this is all me.

They do gentle later, when they've made it to the bed finally and Briggs still looks like an angel when she looks at him from the right angle and he kisses her forehead and then lies down next to her and he's looking at the room and all this, he's looking at them really,

we made a mess, didn't we?
don't we always?
(won't we always??)

fandom: graceland, fandom: the vampire diaries, fic, fandom: reign, fandom: teen wolf

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