The things we do (Stefan/Bonnie)

Oct 26, 2012 23:00

The things we do | tVD | Stefan/Bonnie | 385 words | G |
AN: sorry f-list for spamming you. I probably won't be posting anything next week so I'm hoping you'll forgive me eventually for this many posts in one day.

This is how it goes: there's a knock on her door. It could probably be anyone, but she doubts it's anyone she would want to see. (Caroline has Tyler and Elena has everyone, including Bonnie, because they're friends, even if lately Bonnie hasn't really had Elena.)

This is what she does: what she knows best.

Removes the blanket from her lap and stands in front of her mirror. Her hands shake a little as she removes tell-tale traces of mascara from her cheeks.

(She's fine, just fine. Or at least she will be.)

She feels cold.

She takes her black sweater from the sofa. (Elena bought it for her, two years ago, back when having problems meant studying History all night and picking dresses for Saturday nights out when Caroline would drag her along to whatever event it was happening.)

She still feels cold.

She opens the door, and she's not surprised to see Stefan, not really. (Surprise is reserved for other people, for people who haven't spent their night crying because they killed their grandmother, for the second time. For people who can allow themselves to be surprised, and Bonnie lost that option along the road, somewhere in the middle, somewhere between Elena, there's no way I'm psychic and I did it because I wanted to.)

"Stefan," she says. (Asks.)

"Hey. How are you, with everything that's happened lately?"

"I'm fine. What do you want?"

(She says she's fine, doesn't say "I killed grams," or "Elena's a vampire now," or "I can't do magic anymore, Stefan." Doesn't say "I don't know what to do," because that means showing a weakness, and Bonnie can't have weaknesses, not while there's things to fix.)

"I came here to check up on you," he offers, but they both know that's not the whole truth.

She wants to do a milion things: give him an aneurism (or 345964 of them) or scream, shout that he's lying, (maybe) she just wants to sit on her porch and cry.

She does none of these things.

"You're lying. There's always something you want," she says instead. (I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.)

But then his phone rings and he rejects the call, but looks at her and says "I'll come back later."

(She knows he won't.)

salvatore as in savior, character: bonnie bennet, fandom: the vampire diaries, fic, character: stefan salvatore

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