I'm in love

Sep 22, 2012 02:16

I started watching Doctor Who four years ago. I watched season 1 (cried like a baby during Parting of the Ways) and parts of season 2 (up to Satan's pit) then got sidetracked, probably by something equally shiny, and stopped. Recently, I started watching it again, only partially because ever-neutral screamed at me until I agreed to watch it.

[Insert a love letter to Rose, Martha, Donna (!), to Nine, and as always, to Ten, because he is marvelous. But all that's a story for another time. Or you can ask away in the comments. Yes, my heart melted when Ten realized Rose was back. Yes, Martha leaving the Doctor and the speech she gives him was fantastic. Turn Left was fantastic and they sing songs about Donna Noble. Also, Ten is fucking amazing. Also let's not forget the Master, because how could we, OTP, really, and also Jack, who should not be allowed to touch or look at people or talk to them, due to DISGUSTINGLY HIGH amounts of chemistry that man has with literally anything or anyone.]

But then, dear people, this happened. ELEVEN. AMY POND. Because, really. HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT TO SEASON 5? FEELS PEOPLE, I HAD THEM.

Eleven is fantastic. Eleven is my new favorite Doctor (maybe, /really indecisive). I CANNOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE TO YOU MY LOVE FOR ELEVEN. He brings SO MUCH to the character. THE FACE. AND THE VOICE. AND BOW TIES ARE COOL. The self awareness and the childish behavior and the anger and the fear and the guilt and THE SMILE. Everything. GUH, this man.

Which all naturally leads me to our second order of business. Best summed up by Eleven himself.

Amy Pond, you are magnificent.

THIS GIRL, GUYS. SHE'S MAGNIFICENT. MAGNIFICENT. I do not have words (I lie, I do have some words, but they'll never be adequate enough to show my love for this fierce, wonderful, adventurous, BRILLIANT, smart, clever, beautiful girl.

INSPIRED BY FEELS, of which I have a lot, I present to you:

The completely biased list of top 5 scenes from the 1st half of season 5. Chronologically. With three bonus scenes, because I suck at everything, including picking 5 fantastic scenes among COUNTLESS fantastic scenes.

Honorable mentions:

The man with fish custard. Because Amy Pond's not scared of him, because he wants to eat fish custard, because he spits out apples on her floor and dries his hair with her towel and because Matt Smith manages to have chemistry with a 12 year old. Because Amy is adorable and fearless and brave and already oh so magnificent. Amelia Pond, such a fairytale name.

Amy Pond you are magnificent, and I'm sorry. I will not delude myself into thinking my love for this scene is anything more than a shipper's bias. But he touches her forehead and it's ADORABLE AND GIVES ME FEELS, especially since he's not really that much of a touchy person. And he bites her when she thinks her hand is stone. And she's not clingy enough to have him die for her. Oh and the angel is there, too.

You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks. It's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around.

WHAT MORE CAN I SAY, other than, OMG so much food for thought. Go Rory.

AND NOW REALLY, LET'S HAVE A LOOK AT THE LIST, SHALL WE /serious. I repeat, chronologically, because how would I ever decide?

1. basically, run.


To quote someone who has far smarter things to say on the subject of The Doctor, which would be Moffat.

"...[The Doctor is] just a lunatic who’s capering around trying to have lunch somewhere nice, and all these people think that he’s this massive, mighty foe... I think that’s a fun thing to play with. Because we know he isn’t. We know he hasn’t even got a plan. He can’t even drive the box. We know that’s not true. So I think that makes it a fun thing to play with. It’s a dangerous card for the Doctor to play because the more he makes his enemies fear him, the more powerful they will become in response to what is, in fact, an unarmed man who can’t drive."

(Ok, fine, maybe this is my favorite scene /whatever.)

Because this is dangerous: what he's doing, when he intimidates the Atraxi, it's very dangerous. Because every time he defeats the Daleks, or any other race, they come back stronger. And he? He changes his hair cut or his suit or his companion. But he still doesn't carry a gun or any weapon at all, and still only has a screwdriver and phychic paper and walks around hoping he'll always be able to talk himself out of anything. (Never let me talk, he even warns the angels in 5x05, and also receives points in my book for self awareness.)

Everyone else gets stronger and upgraded and what does he do?
Becomes more arrogant. And that's a double edge sword if I ever saw one.

Not trying to say that he's incompetent or doesn't possess skills should be proud of/use. But (there's always a but) presenting himself as someone everyone should be afraid of sounds like it might backfire.

River says in the Library in 4x08 that Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away, and he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS. AND THIS IS THAT DOCTOR. He literally makes an entire army turn away just by talking (while asking advice about ties). Which is fabulous, because on that day, the skies don't turn dark, and everybody lives. But what about the next time? Or the time after that, or the time after that, or after that? He's brilliant, yes. But this? This is dangerous behavior. And I'm adoring every second of it.


DOCTOR: Leaving is good. Never coming back is better. Come on, then! The Doctor will see you now.

ATRAXI: You are not of this world.

DOCTOR: No, but I've put a lot of work into it. (examines tie) I don't know. What do you think?

ATRAXI: Is this world important?

DOCTOR: Important? What's that mean, important? (tosses tie and RORY catches it) 6 billion people live here - is that important? Here's a better question. Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? (throws another tie that lands on AMY’S shoulder, she gives it to RORY) Well, come on. You're monitoring the whole planet. IS this world a threat?

The ATRAXI projects a hologram of the Earth with scenes from history.


DOCTOR: Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?


DOCTOR: OK. One more. Just one. Is this world protected? Because you're not the first lot to come here. (As the DOCTOR speaks, the projection shows Cybermen and Daleks, the Queen of the Racnoss, Ood, Sycorax, a Sontaran, a Sea Devil, Reapers, the Hath and the Vashta Nerada in the spacesuit) Oh, there have been so many! And what you've got to ask is... what happened to them? (the projection now goes from the first incarnation through the tenth before he walks through it) Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically... run!

+ Because Eleven trying to pull off "the Doctor will see you now" will never not be awesome.
+ No, but I've put a lot of work into it. /wipes a single tear
+ (examines tie) I don't know. What do you think? This is why I will forever be in love with this man. Because he can intimidate aliens while picking ties.
+ because of the chills all over my body over the last part of his monologue. I CANNOT. basically, run.

2. very old, very kind and the very very last.

(I swear there are non-shipping related reasons as to why this is a fabulous scene.)

Amy shows SO MUCH understanding of the Doctor, so early on. Because this? Absolutely truth, every last bit of it. The Doctor has lost his entire race. EVERYONE. No one else in the entire time and space will EVER appear who will be able to understand fully what it means to be a Time Lord, or more importantly, what it means to be the Doctor. (Remember Ten and, sometimes I think the Time Lords live too long?)

I am continually amazed by The Doctor: that man, understandably, has THE BIGGEST commitment issues in the entire universe. And not just this one. Because no matter how hard everyone around him tries, HE WILL ALWAYS END UP ALONE. Whether it's losing Rose to a parallel universe (she would have died sooner or later even if she stayed, and left him probably long before that) or Martha deciding to defend the Earth and stay behind, because someone has to, or not being able to continue travelling with Donna. Whatever it is, HE WILL be alone in the end. No matter how much he fights it. He knows that. You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on, alone. That's the curse of the Timelords.


He never gives up on humans. (I'll never be done saving you.) And not just that. He always LOVES his companions. While being perfectly aware that he will be left alone again, sooner or later.

It's fantastic how Amy notices it, right away. And how she solves the ~plot of this episode. all that pain and loneliness and misery. and it just made it kind. BECAUSE THAT IS THE DOCTOR. Pain and guilt and loneliness and misery, always, all the time. I can feel it, the turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. The entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour. And I can feel it.

Because he feels everything, that man. And Amy feels that. Amy KNOWS the Doctor. On their second day together, Amy knows. And that's magnificent.

DOCTOR: Amy, you could have killed everyone on this ship.

AMY: You could have killed a Star Whale.

DOCTOR: (faces her) And you saved it. I know, I know.

AMY: Amazing, though, don't you think? The Star Whale. All that pain and misery... and loneliness. (looks sideways at the DOCTOR) And it just made it kind.

DOCTOR: But you couldn't have known how it would react.

AMY: YOU couldn't. But I've seen it before. Very old and very kind, and the very, very last. Sound a bit familiar? (they hug) Hey.


AMY: Gotcha.

DOCTOR: Ha! Gotcha.

+ LOVE how her response is you could have killed a Star Whale. LOVE IT. Acknowledging the importance of every form of life and seeing its worth? Admirable. Very much so.

+ Amy's voice is fantastic, and so are both of them in this entire scene.


+ I will never not be completely in love with HOW THEIR FEET AND LEGS SORT OF MOVE/DANGLE while they hug. NEVER. They look so comfortable and happy and I LOVE how he closes his eyes and just presses his head into her shoulder while he hugs her and how they smile. So much love in that scene. SO MUCH.

3. that which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel.

I loved this addition/upgrade to how the Weeping Angels function/live/kill/make me scared. In a way they were even more terrifying to me here than in 3x10? I think that's partially because of the atmosphere of the entire maze and definitely partially because of THIS scene.

(Obvious ~action/adventure lesson: never remain in a room alone.)

BUT, GUYS, AMY KICKED ASS. She was brilliant. BRILLIANT. The idea to stop the tape at the moment where there was no Angel on the screen? FANTASTIC idea. FANTASTIC.

Amy is AMAZING in this scene, and her fear and panic come across so beautifully, as do River's and Eleven's.

+ Bonus points for River constantly trying to tell The Doctor that there is no deadlock.

+ Extra bonus points for Amy's attempts not to blink.

It's about the atmosphere of the scene, and the fear. Everyone kicked ass and nothing hurt.

4. one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart.


This is also the perfect moment to mention that I am IN LOVE with s5's soundtrack (especially this scene + basically, run. Excellent use of music.)

But. I won't repeat myself. The scene is FANTASTIC. But it's also mostly fantastic for the same reasons that (to me) the Doctor/Atraxi run scene is fantastic. He's armed with overconfidence, which is at the same time his strongest weapon and his biggest flaw. But, as it turns out so far, while he has people with him, people that trust him, always, I'm not really worried about my Doctor and his well being.


ARROGANCE AND DETERMINATION LOOK SO HOT ON THAT MAN. (So do sunglasses in 5x11, but that's besides the point.)

5. if i always told you the truth, i wouldn't need you to trust me.

Bless this man. BLESS MY FEELS.

The TRANSFORMATION of his voice and gestures and movement from seconds earlier in this scene (where he's sort of cold and distant and nervous and seems to become more and more cut off from her by the second) to the last part of their conversation is STUNNING. He approaches her by putting his hands on his (I LOVE HANDS, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY TOUCH, guys, that scene in Vincent and the Doctor) and his voice is so very gentle and there is just SO MUCH love in that scene, I CANNOT. ALSO there's this whole idea of her having to remember WHICH I HOPE WILL GET RESOLVED BECAUSE ELEVEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY IT? WHAT DID YOU MEAN? Also their foreheads touch. There should be a picspam consisting just of Amy and Eleven touching. Just sayin.

DOCTOR: (sits next to AMY) You'll be safer here. We can't protect you on the move. I'll be back for you soon as I can. I promise.

AMY: You always say that.

DOCTOR: I always come back. (stands) Good luck everyone. Behave. Do not let that girl open her eyes. And keep watching the forest. Stop those Angels advancing. Amy, later! (taps her on the head) River, going to need your computer. (leaves)

AMY: Yeah. Later.

AMY fidgets nervously with her hands. A masculine pair of hands grip hers. It’s the DOCTOR, but this one is wearing a jacket.

DOCTOR: Amy. you need to start trusting me, it's never been more important.

AMY: But you don't always tell me the truth.

DOCTOR: If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.

AMY: Doctor, the crack in my wall, how can it be here?

DOCTOR: I don't know yet, but I'm working it out. Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were seven?

AMY: What did you tell me?

DOCTOR: (rests his forehead against hers) No, no... That's not the point. You have to remember. (kisses her on the head and leaves)

AMY: Remember what? Doctor? Doctor?

+ the lack of feelings in his voice in the first part of the conversation. Like he's not the Doctor and she's not Amy, the girl who saved him from becoming someone who can't call himself the Doctor just two episodes ago.
+ he does always come back.
+ he just taps her on the head. Like a lost puppy he just met. It's awful. He more than makes up for it.
+ HIS VOICE. HIS VOICE. GUH. It gives me so many feels.
+ the way his voice sort of breaks at the No, no... That's not the point. part. FEEEEEELS.

eleven owns my heart, eleven loves amy, fandom: doctor who, amy pond is flawless, thoughts, pairing: amy/eleven

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