Title: Draco's Dad
Originally Published: Jan. 8, 2004
Genre: Humour
Rating: PG
Summary: A reworking of "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and original tune do not belong to me.
Warnings: I wrote this when I was 17 and while in Economics class, and when I had discovered just how hot Jason Isaacs was. Is.
A/N: This is the only thing I wrote in the HPverse that I care not to lose to the interwebs. Not that I had much else to offer, just a songfic and an incomplete sixth year, but this was my first offering to any fandom and is the whole reason I created this username for any website. It also still gets the occasional favourite or review on FF.net, which always makes me laugh. You can see it in its original form
here, complete with backing vocals and my teenage enthusiasm.
Draco can I come over during break?
We can hang around on the Malfoy estate
Did your Dad get back from his Summoning?
Is he there, or is he in a Death Eater ring?
You know I'm not the little witch that I used to be
I've just turned of age, now, baby can't you see?
Draco's Dad, ooh I've got it bad!
He's all I want and he's driving me so mad
Draco can't you see you're just not the boy for me,
I know it might be sad, but
I'm in love with Draco's Dad.
Draco do you remember when I cursed your mom?
She'd lied to me, saying your Dad was gone
I could tell she thought I was a threat to her
When your Dad showed up and I covered her with fur.
And I know that you think it's just a fantasy
But since your mom's a bitch your Dad could use a girl like me!
Draco's Dad, oh how I wish I had
That gorgeous man who is Death Eaterly-clad,
Draco can't you see there's just one Malfoy for me,
I know he might be bad, but
I'm in love with Draco's Dad.
Draco's Dad, ooh I've got it bad!
He's all I want and he's driving me so mad
Draco can't you see you're just not the boy for me,
I know it might be sad, but
I'm in love with-
Draco's Dad, ah-ah, ah-ah
Draco's Dad, ah-ah, ah-ah
Draco can't you see there's just one Malfoy for me,
I know he might be bad, but
I'm in love with Draco's Dad!