Delete All You Want; Your Book Still Sucks.

Jul 17, 2009 19:06

You know what I find amusing? This.

Especially if you scroll down to read about the "Amazon Controversy".

Which I had a hand in.

For those of you who were a fan of LJ Smith back in the day you may be aware that she wrote a new book this year. And that book was completly and utter made of fail, as a few friends of mine would say. The book was the supposed fourth in a series but disregarded the canon established in the previous books. And if you were sadistic enough, like me, to read the first chapter for free online, you probably cried and then wondered how the hell an author can forget everything she's already established in that series universe. And if you are a Sailor Moon fan you might be incredibly pissed that she ripped off your favorite anime and put it in her waste hole of a book.

But, I'm veering off subject.

Why not read for yourself?

I'm J.Loose.

So, yes, I had HUGE problems with the author claiming the bad reviews came from a small group of meanies and that they weren't legitimate reviews from unhappy readers. What was even more disturbing were the comments and reviews getting deleted by the author because they said the book was bad. Mind you, the comments weren't profane or violent, just stated that the book was bad. So all over the place this author has been displaying bad behavior, wanting only good reviews and comments to be made about her piece of crap book.

Along with other people I felt she needed to be called out on her unprofessionalism. And I also am amused how, within a week, she shut down her amazon blog that she was fairly consistant with writing in and opened her own seperate blog. Interestingly, there are no comments enabled and, even though back in May she said she get a comment feature set up, it hasn't happened yet. I suspect that she hass trolled enough forums and review pages to realize that a good portion of her die hard fans hate this last book.

So why write about this? Because not only was I able to vent about having my favorite books from my teen yers destroyed (hey, all you Star Wars fans, you know how I feel. Remember Episode One? I'm not a big Star Wars fan even I could tell that was a horrible movie) and discover long time fans shared the same sentiment, but I was also able to directly connect with the author to let her know what I felt. As a fan you never entertain the idea of being heard by those who you are a fan of. You never think you can help have an affect on them and what they do or what they decide.

And then get entered in to wikipedia for it......

I can never understand not listening to your fans. It doesn't mean you have to do every thing each fan says but to disregard them completely when you don't like the constructive criticism given? I have more respect for writers, like Joss Whedon, who publically state often how important it is to listen to your fans. Some times they see what you can't and can be more objective than you.

So, let your opinion be known! Don't be afraid to be honest and debate! And know that you are most liekly being heard.

Oh, and who else would like to see certain websites ( prevent reviews being posted for a book before it's even come out? And, if in the review, it's stated that the person hasn't even read a page of the book, then that review shouldn't be allowed posted.
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