fecundity yours.

Sep 15, 2006 09:06

listening, listen. sonic boom!

and i was slapped for being a white, middle class chick who dared to deepen herself by questioning that "white, middle class" label.

even "chick" was looked into. this is an ordinary life that i plan to make the most of.
ill give it time,
and need to write at least somewhere. everywhere. haha, dang my note books are getting ridiculous, and my myspace blogs are to be kept for worked out poetry, and im going to justify me writing on livejournal--something incredibley old or lame for someone my age now?--really?--by saying i need another outlet for this metronome.

or i could just smile, sip my coffee, put off reading large books, and say
"i enjoy this. thank you"

i got pictures of my 21st birthday and my friend marks 21st birthday a couple days ago. pictures of yourself are so weird. i dont feel like that girl anymore, but i do. i showed them to my roomie and she replied--"you look young!" its funny what other people see within the same image.

i feel wiser i guess. less tense.. maybe i just change all the time in baby steps you cant notice anything until you take time or space to observe. im thinking about exploiting this whole blog thing for my new media activism class, because i hate working within the parameters of technology. and i cant ever remember those little codes.

"i love technology. not as much as you baby"

i miss my little sisters! i actually miss my mom too. i had this great conversation with her the other night. i felt like jumping up and down, which i did at a subsequent music happening (that word really needs to come back in style)later that night, at our ability to have a relaxed conversation. and i get to see gaelyn but freakin a, scoobs cant come down. that makes me a sad panda.

awww...i miss jenny too. old crow medicine show is playing at cats cradle and monet has invited me down there to dance around with her and nina. my friend bennet also lives there and dang, it would be such a sweet, sweet adventure. hooray for lovely lady friends. my money supplies are kinda strained though.

but im going to philedelphia in october!!! to a supersweet philosophy/phenomenology conference and get to hear linda alcoff talk about her new book, visible identites: race, gender, and the self. it goes straight into my undergrad thesis and i get bonus points if i write some sort of paper-- always trying to materialize our experiances aren't we?

theres not enough hours in the day. there arent enough kids walking around the streets at night. me and my buddy from asheville walked to junaleska park and sat on swings and talked about interpersonal relationships and what to do, when to be quiet, when to laugh. we came to the conclusion that its all pretty relative but friendship is key.

"hes fine, dont be unkind
shes fine, but wasting time.
said to her, 'theres beauty!'
all she sees is pain.
but said to her, 'there's beauty in your eyes'"


i wonder about my friends who used to read this alot. i remember deadamerica, this blog thing all the guys that intimidated me would update. they were all so smart! and were listening to progressive, somewhat, music that fascinated me. me and my radio tunes were perking up at something new. and i say friends loosely because i think i kept alot of people at a distance due to fear i would come across too goofy or not artistically intellectual enough. thank god ive had a kick in the pants from my shelby. and i wonder what those cool cats are doing now and if they're alright. im sure they are but it would be nice to know.

ahh, class calls to me and its sunny outside.
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