Jun 23, 2011 14:48


I am so, so glad they are over with. I have literally done nothing but revise for the last month (well, except my two trips to London but I revised on the way there).

I really hope Lancaster are okay with me getting a C in Maths. OTL I hate AQA. Why would they give me a 9 mark question? It's only out of 75 so that's over 10% of the paper. /sobsob

Also, I'm still worried about whether finishing a 2 hour exam 35 minutes early is a good sign or a bad sign haha. The other two I spoke to both left it early as well and they both said it was really hard so... OTL Probably not a good sign.

Anyway yayyy now I can get back to my life! \o/ And by 'life' I mean 'sitting around doing bugger all for the next 2 months until I get my results'. LIFE IS GOOD. I can't wait to play all the games I've gotten planned hahaha I'm so sad. Pokemon and Devil May Cry 4 and Lost Odyssey and Final Fantasy XIII and Portal 2 and Zelda and Sims and Blue Dragon huzzah! \o/

Hopefully I'll be able to start updating this thing soon. >A> And start being able to post on my friends journals. OTL I've been very neglectful D:

ramblings, real-life, exams

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