Title: Compassion
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Prompt: compassion
Medium: fic
Chapters: 1/1
Wordcount: 197
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for The Hunger Games series ending.
Summary: They grow back together.
Other notes: Katniss/Peeta. Written for lj community 1_million_words March Bingo.
We grow back together, taking years and years. There isn’t any urgency, only the slow going of something that could have been, could still be.
There are things we don’t talk about at first: his family, what happened in the Capital. The Games. Cinna. Portia. Coin. District 13. Gale. Prim.
We talk of other things, of bread and the garden, hunting, Haymitch, of avoiding Effie’s phone calls.
Then we do talk of the things we shouldn’t. Like balm even with pain, with the compassion that is slow to come to me by nature, the compassion he sometimes finds easy and sometimes is kept under screams.
There is understanding where there shouldn’t be, from both of us, and somehow the relationship becomes more equal. Both of us have things we can’t speak of, both of us find each other to deal with what we can’t speak of.
Compassion leads to many other things, down the road that we travel, and the important thing is that we travel it together.
After all, compassion, nay, compassion borne out of love is what brought the boy to toss the bread to the girl, and the girl to volunteer for her sister.