me: round 2 (sorry(cross posted on self portraits, madradhair and here
Feb 11, 2003 22:09
yea so heres my new hurr... all longer in the front and layered and short in the back. yippee! i really like this set of pics, cause the only photoshop i did to them was resizing. i heart my new camera. it takes wonderful pics, and can make anyone look good, in the right lighting.
bene', bene'! hah, and all i can think of when i see these lazy pics is " IL DULCE' FAR NIENTE." which is loosely translated in italian to "the sweetness of doing nothing." which is what i have been doing for the past couple this is what i do when i get bored i guess. play with my camera. and nobody ever wants to get their picture taken, like it's gonna steal their soul or something. even my little ozma (my dog) doesn't like it. I think when the camera beeps (when focusing) it hurts her ears or something. oh well.
i need some models to work with for some experimental photography with lighting...