leftover chinese in the morning

Jan 06, 2004 10:27

(really long entry here, warning)

ok so i took some time to "update" myself on other people's livejournals, and i looked through my own as well. I can't beleive the place i was in at this time last year. so depressing.

Chicago rocks so far besides the crappy subzero weather, especially when waiting for the next el train. I forgot how many bums are just everywhere here. and they all want something. and so i feel bad, but not tooo bad. I love the pidgeons though. they're so cute when they walk, all fat and fluffy with some mad personallity. And they poop on people that need it. hah!

i just checked into ryanames journal, and well a part of it really summed up what i've been feeling about people and the world lately, and just how i've always been. I've been told by MANY people that i'm easily amused, but i would have it no other way. It must be horrible to not be aware to the beauties, the so so simple ones of the world.

"I was tihnking about in Colloquy calss was how stupid the mindset of thinking it's cool just to be chill or bored with things...blah what!?!?! dude it's cool to love things, to be fascinated by people, clouds, dogs peeing, pooooop, the cosmos and on&on. It's awesome to have an interesting conversation, it's awesome to just be in the presence of someone who really cares about you! word: love it, more importantly, let's live it!"-ryanames journal

i was just thinking the same thing this whole time i've been in chicago... i don't understand the mindset of people that consantly say they're bored. well if you're bored, you're prolly a boring person. haha thats my take. i saw a beautiful pidgeon (that may be an oxymoron to some, but i love fat little pidgeons) yesterday, and it enden up pooping on some obnoxious bum.. i was greatly entertained. you'd be surprised what you'll notice just observing... waiting for the next train.

And i really miss just being in the comfortable presence of someone. just to BE. no uncomfortable silences, feeling no pressure to talk about random stuff.... I guess i'm just always a bit more chill than most people, like a hippie of sorts. The best thing in the world is just to communicate with someone fluidly, and before they even say anything, you understand already. Just to be that close to someone is indescribable. And I can't stand thinking that I've taken it for granted when I had it. There's only been a few people that I've had such a connection with, you know who you are. at least i hope you do.

I can't wait to go check out these apartment places... they seem to have all the stuff i have on my list of things i need to live comfortably. awesome.

And I also have come to the sad realization that it is not worth missing someone that doesnt miss you back. it's like in blake's post about losing hope. grasping for something you never had fully in the first place. I love my real friends that contact me without me having to leave tons of messages. oh, and phone tag sucks, but at least you know the person is making some sort of effort.

k i'm done bitchranting. I went to this lounge last night called Rodan. it had royal blue lighting and video screens playing artistic movies like ice breaking or fish in a colorful aquarium... entertaining stuff. and there was projections of video from the ceiling onto the floor (video) so it seemed odd to walk on these images, i didnt want to crush the little animals. eh, it messed with your head. And in the rest rooms (one M, one F, and one M/F i might add--- maybe it was for transvestites... i dunno) had a screen that a camera was pointed at you that worked like a live mirror-- but it was on screen. very cool. kinda gimmicky when you think about it, but the food was excellent and the waitress was adorable.

i can't wait to live here. There's so much life in this city. It's the media hub of everything now, and so I hear from talking to Columbia and the art institute, it's the best place for making it in the Media, like especially film. Theres so many firms and companies to hire into, film festivals and submissions looking for new film students and graduates.. flyers everywhere looking for actors, lighting and camera work and editing people....photographers, bands,singers,designers (esp for fashion--good for me! yah tons of shiz man. I gotta start calling these people/places to get my foot in!

"maybe you can visit my condo, on the big hill, you know, like 9-0-2-1-0. oh yea. thee glitz..." -miss kitten

show love, live life. Posh rules.

((for josh))
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