I just got woken up by one of the receptionists at my company ringing my doorbell. When I blearily opened the door she quickly handed me a leaflet, asked to me to read and then walked off. So I'm reading all about false religion while standing on my doorstep, because at this point I'm too tired to do anything but follow instructions and my eyes hit this:
It took me a while to work out what I was reading. The first few sentences I was nodding to myself thinking 'Yeah we've come a long way, isn't it great - one in the eye for false religion!' and then the rest of the setence sunk home and I felt like killing myself. Except that would be stupid seeing as the only direction I'm apparently heading in is down; and my eczema gets bad in really hot climates.
It's not finding out I'm never gonna inherit God's Kingdom that necessarily depresses me, because I didn't know that was possible anyway. Doesn't inherit mean you get it when someone dies? 'Cause that doesn't bode well for the man upstairs. And if he's not at home, you know the whole place is gonna go down hill real fast anyway - there'll be grafitti all over the clouds and people'll be smashing the place up with their harps.
It's being lumped into the same paragraph as child-abusers! Thanks guys, that makes me feel real warm and fuzzy. It's not like this is a new view point to be used against GLBT persons, but its such a stupid one. Just because I'm sexually attracted to women doesn't mean I'm automatically going to abuse little girls any more than a woman sexually attracted to men is going to abuse little boys. I could go on, but I won't because I will go on forever.
Anyway at the end is this:
Well I don't know how true that is, but I do know that I woke up soppy but happy this morning, kinda yawny and with a belly full of rumbles but I was at peace with the world...And now I want to go and find that fucking jumped up receptionist, ram this leaflet down her throat and beat her until she stops twitching!
So I don't think they're spreading all that much peace and love, do you?
Dear Evil Receptionist Lady,
You want to think I'm a pervert go right ahead, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, I got much more important things to lose sleep over. Just don't do it from my fucking doorstep.
Lots of big, GAY love and sloppy, tounge-filled kisses,
ETA Sorry the images are so small, I thought I'd made them bigger. If you click on them the writing is bigger.