Link to the Buffy/Gilesy virtual season is
here It really is worth a look. The episodes are really well written and very much inkeeping with the BtVS style, plus the site has lots of extras that link in with the season's plot, such as newspaper articles and journal entries. The original characters are believable and engaging and the overall arc and villain of the piece are brilliant, melding canon with new backstory beautifully.
Will be off work again today. Still in pain although not as bad. When I sneeze it kills and I can feel the pain blossoming in my chest! Seriously blossoming - I always thought that was just a poetic turn of phrase but its true.
Finished chapter 1 and 2 of of Damned 6. I'm hopefully gonna get chapter 3 done today as well, but at the moment I seem more intent on watching season 7 eps. Just watched Potential and The killer in me or rather listened to them while I was checking the flist.
Finished The West Wing season 7 dvds last night and I enjoyed Tomorrow much more the second time around. I think because the first time I was pissed off it was the last one and that overshadowed by enjoyment of it. Also I wasn't a big fan of Santos the first time I watched it, but after watching the whole season straight through I like him a lot more now. S'all good.
If I get chapter 3 written this afternoon I may order Brokeback Mountain from Sky box office. Still haven't seen it yet and I think I may be in the mood for cowboys.