I feel a LOT chirpier today. I think I just needed a really good sleep!
Also contributing to my good mood - and I'm really not quite sure HOW this happened given that I've been eating heaps and drinking a fair bit over the past few weeks - my brown cropped trousers are no longer a snug fit! I *thought* I've been looking a little less pudgy over the past few days, but the cropped trousers prove it! Maybe it's just that I've been eating something resembling a vaguely normal (albeit with a fair few treats thrown in there) diet since I've been home? I can't think of anything else that would account for it, especially with the amount I've been drinking. The only drastic change I've made recently is that I've been trying to drink more water each day - but that's not going to have any effect on my weight, is it? Oh, the bizarreness! I'm not complaining, though :)
Today's going to be another quiet day. Might read a bit of The Historian since I started it halfway through my exams and was REALLY enjoying it, but then got sidetracked by revision and other stuff. I'm not sure whether or I ought to go back to the beginning or just pick off where I left off... hmm. I love days where that's the most challenging decision I have to make!!
I also need to finish off my CV ready for emailing to temping agencies tomorrow morning. Tomorrow should be pretty productive - I'm going to spend the morning doing job-hunt stuff, then am meeting a couple of friends around lunchtime to just hang out for a few hours, and I really want to go swimming at some point, too - I have no idea WHY I have this urge, but I do, so why not!
Grandad rang up today to chat to Mum for fathers day- the phone was still in my bedroom from my phone marathon with
misssimm yesterday! So anyway, that woke me up and I realised it was the first time I'd spoken to him in about six months or so. I feel really bad now! Especially since I've owed him a copy of his family tree (which he's very interested in - because of family issues he actually didn't know his own grandparents' names until I told him) for ages, so I'm going to try and get that done today... I'm a horrible granddaughter!
Am feeling a bit funny about fathers day this year - I'm going to send Dad an E-card (yup, I forgot to put one in the post... and it would have taken about a week to get there anyway) but it's still weird. We never made that big a deal of it when my parents were still together - although I remember making him cards when I was younger - but now I'm really hating the idea of him spending it with my stepbrothers and stepsister. *sigh* And I'm willing to bet their mother will encourage them to get him cards/gifts, knowing her as I do.
Mmm, just had cous cous and veggie sausages for lunch. Brown cropped trousers no longer feeling as loose!!