The floods continue...

Dec 29, 2007 00:28

First of all, thanks for all the best wishes and prayers! *hugs all*

The electricity was cut off for the whole day. It's hard to live without any electricity on. Luckily we have some back-up electricity here.

The rain somehow stopped today and the water level went DOWN so YAY!!!!!!!!! It worked like wonder WOW! I'm sure tomorrow and the days after that will continue raining again but who cares as long as the water level goes down. There's this huge dam near my city called Waduk Gajah Mungkur. It was destroyed by continuous rain when my mom was still in high school and my whole city was drowned in the water, it almost became the second Atlantis LOL! We are all worried about the dam since the safety standard in Indonesia is extremely dodgy, I bet the government takes 90% of the money for corruption.

Earlier today, I was watching the news saying something like 'To all Solo citizens we need to open the first THREE water gates since the dam can't take the overflowing water anymore, so please understand' I was like OMG WTH where do all those water run to? My city!!!!! Lucikly their strategy worked and it's getting better now *phew*

The government!! Please do something quickly about the river problems! The problem is that ALL the rainfalls from LOTS of cities surrounding where I live accumulate in a river called Bengawan Solo. And you know why it's called Bengawan Solo? Because it runs through my city that's called Solo City OMG! So even though it's not raining over here, as long as those other cities are still raining we're pretty much screwed. Dear government, please don't take all the money for corruption, please fix this problem! Lots of refugees start getting infectious diseases here because of the uneven distribution of the ransoms from the government.


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