KinKi Kids in Music Station

Oct 23, 2009 20:22

Damn the TV in Kansai, they didn't broadcast the Mini Ste part!

The talk was mainly about Pan chan and how Koichi has become a doting parent.

The danced to the performance!
The dance has the same feeling as Birodo no yami's coreography (= yum!).
On the last part, they were facing each other while singing LOL!
That can be none other than fanservice for KKL fans.

Aside from the KinKi bits, there was this interesting section explaining to us about the special earphones that artists wear when performing.
I guess those who haven't had a chance to work with something like this (like me) wouldn't know for sure what that thing was.
Apparently those 'earmony' are worn to minimise the background voice (cheering fans) and to let them hear their own voice and the instruments of the song more clearly.
The earmony are uniquely fitted to each artist's shape of ears. 
When making them, they had to go to this shop and had soft silicons kinda injected to their earholes, creating the shape.
They cost almost 100,000 yen for a pair!

Aside from the ones for work purpose, Koichi especially made a pair to be used in private. but he said it's better not to use them since they completely block the surrounding noises and it can be dangerous.

EDIT: Video added!

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