Oct 12, 2009 18:09
Koichi's happy news are as follows:
- KinKi Kids winter concert
12/18(金) 18:3/0北海道立総合体育センター(きたえーる)- Hokkaido
12/19(土) 17:00/北海道立総合体育センター(きたえーる)- Hokkaido
12/22(火) 18:30/マリンメッセ福岡 - Fukuoka
12/23(水・祝) 17:00/マリンメッセ福岡 - Fukuoka
12/30(水) 17:30/東京ドーム - Tokyo
12/31(木・祝) 17:30/東京ドーム - Tokyo
01/01(金・祝) 17:30/東京ドーム - Tokyo
01/09(土) 18:00/京セラドーム大阪 - Osaka
01/10(日) 18:00/京セラドーム大阪 - Osaka
01/11(月・祝) 16:00/京セラドーム大阪 - Osaka
Wow this is a really weird combination, Osaka concerts on January???
But countdown and birthday concerts will be back to Tokyo Dome.
I guess I will go to the birthday concert in Tokyo, and then the last 2 shows in Osaka. Hehe.
- Before the concert, KinKi will release something (must be an album). I guess the title of the concert tour will be the same as the album. Not announced yet.
- Next year, Koichi will release a solo album and hold another solo concert tour.
kinki kids