May 02, 2005 11:20
Ok, so for anybody who notices when I randomly put up quizzes and stuff here, this is an exciting news bulletin from my life! To catch everybody up to speed, here's what I've figured out over the past couple years:
1. I don't like research very much. Especially not for a career. Freaking boring.
2. This is a bad thing if you're in an academic research PhD program.
3. I like politics, a lot.
4. I have this frustrating desire to make things better in the world.
5. Cognitive Psychology doesn't seem to be the way to do this.
6. Law school does.
So I'm going to go spend 4 more years in school and get two more degrees! (J.D. and Master's in Public Policy) I'll be heading out to Georgetown in August where I will proceed to go massively in debt. It'll be fun. I'll try to post random updates here about how law school goes, and if anybody is ever heading out DC-way, you're welcome to crash on my couch! (assuming I have one, I may not this coming year, stupid small freaking dorm-apartment stupid thing. but my floor is always open as well :))
Sorry if this is the first you're hearing of this, I'm a bad updater. Leave a comment and tell me what's going on in your lives!