Don't say what, and don't say pardon.

Mar 01, 2012 13:05

I'm pretty sure most of my friends wouldn't do this but just in case you haven't given it thought...

When someone tells you they have hearing difficulties, saying "What?" straight afterwards is incredibly rude and hurtful - like pretending to be blind at someone with vision impairment, or exaggeratedly limping at a leg amputee.

It's incredibly common, for some reason. It was barely funny the first time I saw it and now - perhaps 200 repetitions later - at the stage where I;
  • have to go through intermediaries to make a simple phone call
  • have to lip-read partially for most conversations
  • can't watch TV/movies in cinemas etc as there are no subtitles
  • can't hear speeches at friends' weddings
  • can't hear public service announcements in train stations/ airport etc
  • have to rely on the patience of friends/partners to fill in gaps in my hearing and save me embarrassing myself by mishearing
  • often embarrassing myself by mishearing and answering questions that were not asked
  • have to "bull-doze" in conversation to disguise the fact that I can't really hear by constantly being loud and changing topic
  • have people assume I am stupid/rude because of the two above
  • and can't take jobs/writing assignments with ANY phone work at all (and that, peeps, is why I never got into event management, which I loved)
  • have realised that - should I decide to have kids - I will not be able to hear them cry or understand their conversation (too high-pitched)
  • have to spend $8k this year to update my hearing aids to my shite hearing - and get no assistance with this because, as one of the lucky ones, I can hold down a job so should be able to pay
...I'm really not seeing the joke. It just makes me want to cry. Or punch people in the face.

Being a bit deaf is already a bit shite, but I deal and try constantly to minimise the effect my bad hearing as on other people. I'm an extravert and I like people but I still find conversation bloody exhausting sometimes, as I constantly strain to listen, I'd imagine some people without my burning drive to socialise might just give up. Every time some sod does the "what?" thing, I am tempted to.

I know it's a surprise when someone tells you sometimes - you hadn't realised, they cope so well, etc etc - but the "what" reaction really hurts. If it was in your repertoire, please think before you do it again.

Well, that or prepare to be punched in the face.
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