How has your life changed over the past year?

Sep 20, 2011 01:20

It's taken me a long while to answer this one, because the easiest answer is... how *hasn't* it changed over the past year?  So, so much has changed, internal and external.  Relationships have changed, adapted, strengthened, deepened, grown... we have a new landlord... we are moving across the world next year... new dancing classes to replace old ones... returning to being a one-car couple... new job... and i could probably go on... my hair's been cut within the last 12 months (which isn't always the case), I've taught my first year of dance classes at the university, I've learnt to really use drawing as a way of expressing myself.  Life has been good to me in the last year. Too good to easily describe.

To the people that have helped that happen, all I can say is thank you.
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