do i know this guy?

Apr 13, 2005 16:06

so, everyone should know that they should be here on friday, may 6th for my graduation. if you cant make it. no worries, i will understand. but i will have to send out the evolutino out on you all. you heard me.

so far, i believe, daryl martin, aaron, josh, thom and my family will be here friday. thats what i believe. you are all welcome to spend the night and then proceed to coastal at 8 in the morning on saturday for my graduation. commence the jiggling.

so here are my plans for after school.

1) work for the summer and save up money. hopefully lots of money. i suck at managing my money so i need some prayer on that.
2) study for my GREs and for my MCATs and take them over the summer. hopefully ill have adequate scores for my future plans.
3) move back home in august/september and get a job there(maybe Santee Cooper) and, use those scores and recommendations from school to apply to MUSC and other grad/med schools for research opportunities
4) if that fails, which i hope doesnt, i will then proceed to apply for CofC's or Horry/Georgetown Tech's NUCLEAR MEDECINE program -> that will include 2 more years of school and training
5) if that fails, i will then proceed to go back to school for education and become a teacher/professor
6) if that fails, i will then proceed to join the military, go through bootcamp, go straight to officer school after that, and then to the INTELLIGENCE department and yall will never here from me again

those are my plans and my fail safe ones as well

they could easily change over time but for right now, i believe they will be ok.

still single and enjoying it. after about 2 years of being with someone, you kinda miss the things you had when you were single. it sucks that grace will call me every now and then. as much as i say i can be friends with her and talk with her and hang out with her, i honestly cant do it. i saw her out one night and i was with my buddy matt, and she ran up to say hey. i glanced at her for a second and then turned away. i couldnt speak, i felt enclosed and hopeless. she will call and invite me out to places and i have to say no. i dont understand why i feel this way. there is a part of me that wants to mend things and try again and then again, i know its a bad idea. i cant change her into the girl i want her to be. so that would just be bad from the start. in time, things will work out. they always do.

anyway, brandon is here. we will now play some budokai and i will dominate as usual. hah, thats not egotistical at all.

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