Victory for the daleks? okay, Victory for Gatiss? ....

Apr 17, 2010 22:45

I am just a little disappointed. I really really want to like this new series and i LOVE Eleven and Amy but they are really making it hard for me. Its all just a bit meh, a bit the same as RTD would have done. I know you can say if its not broke don't fix it, but thats not the way to be innovative is it...

The completely unexpected and unexplained UST-y flirty look between Amy and WEEPY LOOSES HER BOYFRIEND GIRL. No seriously what was that - i kept expecting it to be significant and it just wasn't.

The way Eleven keeps calling her Pond "come on Pond"

Daleks serving tea and being ridiculously faily at being incognito and all "I have to... go over here now...Oh my look at the time" while all the time plotting away sneakily

The fact Amy had no idea who the daleks were. I'm such a sucker for timey whimey intrigue!

The pacing just seemed really odd. I actually looked at my watch at parts and i never do that with doctor who

Mark Gatiss. Seriously Gatiss, i don't care if you are a big fan, you write really in-affective episodes. I just did not care. The whole giving the tin man a heart thing, the keep calm carry on flag, the 15 minute overly sentimental ending, it all left me cold

The ipod nano daleks. nuff said

That fucking crack. I am so over that already. Okay, we get it, there is a crack. sheesh.

Although i do have to admit i like that the daleks a)won and b)are out there somewhere now and so we don't have to keep uncovering these VERY LAST groups of them. And i DID enjoy the episode as a whole, it really was quite good, intriguing and it was an episode of doctor who for goodness sake. I just wish I didn't feel so meh. 

doctor who

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