Tv thoughts

Nov 16, 2009 21:21

I've been ill all weekend and it wasn't fun but with Merlin and Doctor Who I survived.

I have such mixed feelings about Doctor Who and i think I need to get this out there:

On one hand
David Tennant's face is giving me feeeelings again esp. his little wooby "it happens no matter what i do" in the airlock
I loved the Flood - they were the creepiest creeps who ever creeped! They were just the right balance of human and inhuman
I get it it. I really get what RTD is going for; beginning of the end, the doctor choosing to turn back and save them was him choosing to walk toward his downfall and now hes a bit crazy. Humbris humbris humbris
It was beautiful and it felt real to me
That was a BIG cast and every one of them did there part.

On the other hand
That was a fucking stupid robot, and i get that it was intentionally a deus ex machina but seriously it drove me insane and completely threw me out of the story
Also the DTs manicness in the end was TOO MUCH. and i think that speaks volumes.
It was messy wasn't it. I mean the plot didn't make all that much sense and there was zero resolution ( but i guess thats part of the point isn't it rtd) It made NO SENSE for the granddaughter to still be inspired when Brooke committed suicide! Where is the inspiration in that?

Honestly I'm just annoyed and frustrated because I don't want it to end and i'm so emotionally involved in these stupid characters that im already mourning the doctor. because lets be honest here, he is gone already isn't he. *sniff*

On a completely unrelated note - i am unbelievebly charmed by Joe and that little boy singing to each other. After i got past my intitally embarrassment nerdhurdle i was enchanted. I loved Joe's impressed face at how well he actually sang it!

i should not like jonai, doctor who

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