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perpetual January 5 2018, 15:26:20 UTC
I have so much to catch up on! I'm sorry, I know it must look like I vanished from the B/A fandom entirely, but I'm still looking forward to reading all your fics.

Miss you! And congratulations on being so productive!


fluffernutter8 January 5 2018, 16:53:57 UTC
Totally don't worry about it! Except for once (or three times??) during the month of November, I too basically seem to vanish from the B/A fandom. ;)

I hope you're doing well! And I just popped over to your page, and it looks like you've had quite the productive year yourself. Congrats!


perpetual January 5 2018, 17:33:57 UTC
Thanks! Like you I wandered into some other fandoms, which sadly leads away from old fandom friends, but at least writing is writing. ::)


fluffernutter8 January 7 2018, 01:47:25 UTC
Yeah, that's one of the reasons that decline of IWRY has been so sad for me. As I moved away from livejournal, it was one of the only times that I reconnected with B/A friends.


perpetual January 7 2018, 22:11:15 UTC
Gah, that's tragic. I guess I've been clinging to LJ rather than IWRY, but the only way for all of us to really stay in touch is for all of us to cling to the same sites. :-/


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