Let's have a chat, and other minor fandom rants

Jan 29, 2012 00:58

So, maybe you know that I love fanfic?

Pretty sure the answer was yes.

Anywhosers...A fic that I've liked for a while (I believe I recced it in an earlier post, but am too lazy to check and one of my arms is falling asleep) is I'm the Hero of the Story. And when I somehow ran out of new fic, I realized I should reread my old favorites which was awesome and super time-wasting fun. And when I ran out of old fic, I explored the writers of old fic, whereupon I realized that the aforementioned fic was written by a super awesome person named monroeslittle who has written other awesome Veronica Mars fic AND a Friday Night Lights fic that I read twice with little interruption AND the best and only Hunger Games fic that I have ever read.

So in short, visit here to check out some of the super awesome fics now opened to you because we all know awesome people never get as much loving as they should.

memes: fandom snowflake, fanfiction: recs

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