Uncommon loves, and other crazy fanfic rants

Jan 08, 2012 23:36

In your own space, rec at least three fanworks you thought you wouldn't like but did.

(All of these are Veronica Mars, Veronica/Logan. Sorry for the one-note, but I have way way too many VM bookmarks that I need to use somehow!)

Okay, fic narrated by a dog? Even one of the coolest dogs since Toto? It’s a cheestastic premise, and not necessarily in a good way. But then annie_oakley leads you through the Dog Years of a beloved friend and through him we see our favorite characters in his simplistic way of clarity.

I say it in my name, so no one should be surprised that I love fluff. I try to stick to the well-written, believable stuff, but sometimes I can’t help but be sucked into the cheesy depths of a happily ever after. So the title Nuclear Winter gave me pause. Already depressing, right? And the content is equally so. But the writing, the build-up of realism and happiness before the downfall is amazing.

I like my heroes heroic. I like them with their flaws that they recognize and work to conquer, but I do not mind admitting that I prefer a naïvely ideal hero. So Logan doing some Nice Work If You Can Get It for the Fitzpatricks…hated the idea from the start. If I didn’t love annie_oakley so much, I might not have read it at all. But I do. When someone brings you Like a Rolling Stone, another fic I was nervous about that turned out to be pretty damn amazing, you don’t turn up your nose.

ship: veronica/logan, memes: fandom snowflake, fanfiction: veronica mars

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