Title: Exodus Laughing
Author: Fluff
Rating: PG- 12 (Sexual implications and light light light cursing)
Word count: Aprox. 4100
Prompt: Moving (prompt made up by me in honor of a recent move because apparently I need a prompt to get anything done.
Summary: " We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious
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Yay! I love lists of Buffy's special things. Even in canon it seemed like most of them came from Angel. And "the men in her life"-- awww!
It was a dream, but it felt real. Not prophetic, just truthful. He believed Wes as he said that the Shanshu was coming, that it would come in increments as he let go of his guilt.
Okay, this is just cool. Of all the ways to approach the Shanshu, nobody seems to do it gradually, and I'm surprised you made it work this well. Especially the way it's tied to his guilt-- hey, it's kind of like what we were talking about in the Fangirl Ramble, isn't it? I also like the "not prophetic, just truthful" dream, and the use of Wesley. It's just a very real yet unexpected way for Angel to start moving on.
The moments along that path that you described are great, too, like no longer hearing Angelus in his head. The one about using the outhouse was my favorite. It doesn't even push any potty humor buttons; it's just Angel being reintroduced to humanity in the most mundane possible way, and of course that's going to make him emotional.
Love Angel as a teacher. With all his talents, it might just be the perfect job for him. He loves knowledge and he's good at sharing it and he cares about the people he's put in charge of enough to really want them to succeed. And he would totally assign too much homework, especially with America's modern education system being so shaky. He'd probably feel like the students didn't know as much as they should and he was personally responsible for fixing it.
Nice use of metaphors regarding his guilt baggage getting progressively lighter.
It's been decided that if they're going to be separated, it'll be from life, not from leaving.
What a nice rewording of "til death do us part". Warm AND fuzzy!
They had been in Chicago when Abby kicked another third grader hard enough to break his leg.
Ha! Yeah, she wouldn't be Buffy's daughter without a streak of ferocity.
They hit West Haven today and as soon as they reached the city limits, Ginny leaned forward and put her face in between the two front seats and said “I like it here.”
!!! Was that for me? That was for me, wasn't it?? XD Buffy and Angel's family is moving into my area! Next time I see a beautiful girl I'm going to ask if they got the blue colonial.
You always win on the B/A future human family life stories. If I have a favorite B/A future human family life story author it is you. They just seem so real and so happy together, just regular good people who happen to have a hard past behind them and train their daughters in tai-chi.
"Last move"-- perfect ending. I read in a book once that happiness is the desire for things to stay the same. Finally finding a place to settle down forever is a definitive happy ending for this story of discontentment and pilgrimage.
I loved it. Vastly. Thank you!
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