If I'm spamming F-lists, sorry! D:
Uhm... as you can see we are in need of BANNERMAKERS. And we'd like some. Even just a few. ^^; So if you'd like to become one, please comment here. :D No need for a sample of a banner made by you. Just simply comment. As you can see, the mods do make a few banners here and there. But we do run the community as well, so it's a bit tight for us. Especially now that hell school has arrived we need it more than ever. So please comment. ♥~
As for those who asked to make banners within the previous entries, would you be up for becoming a full time bannermaker? :D
Current Bannermakers (who are totally a bunch of lifesavers! ;3 ♥)
triedtoholdonto - only if she's free.