Title: Red Scribbles
Part: 1 of 1.
ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 305.
Rating: G. (Oh my lords, I have never written that before ever. :P )
Spoilers: Through 3x12 "Rapture," but I definitely blame 4x11 "Sometimes a Great Notion." It'll make sense.
Characters: Helo/Athena, Hera.
Excerpt: "That's a sun, Hera," he murmurs into her ear, and gathers her hands gently at her stomach.
Author's Note: A flufflet! For you on this pretty
fluff-friday. (That means don't yell at me if you die from cute. Dying from cute can be fun, you know.)
When she comes in her daughter is drawing. )