Title: After the Dance
Part: 1 of 1.
ninamazing, or Nina
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 1394.
Rating: R. You should love the smell of porn in the morning.
Spoilers: Through 3x09 "Unfinished Business."
Characters: Helo/Athena. But Sam started it.
Excerpt: "There's something I want to do tonight, Helo," she says. "I've been thinking about it for a while."
Author's Note: I couldn't finish any smut-in-progress for
smut-tuesdays, but apparently I CAN write totally different smut for
fluff-friday! And it is fluffy. I am getting fluff in under the wire before tomorrow. Me, needing synonyms for the word "smile" in a Helo/Athena story? I thought. WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE?! Minds are strange, especially mine. I hope you enjoy this.
Helo knows he should be tired after the dance, but he isn't. )