May 14, 2014 11:12
It was the only natural thing to do, to return to the only city that felt like home. Lima, Ohio had given him everything. Despite the hardships, the struggles he'd overcome with his family, it had given him so much love and hope. It had given him the Glee Club and some of the best friends he'd ever met.
The Hummel's allowed him back into the room he'd been sharing with Finn all that time ago. Had it really been only two years since his death? He could still feel it like yesterday, and being in the room they'd shared (homework, Halo, CoD, talking about girls, sports discussions) was a constant reminder, but not in a bad way. It was just a reminder that you never truly lost family. Someone needed to take care of the house while Burt and Carole spent eighty percent of their time in DC.
A job at Breadstix was the next move, to do whatever he could to earn a little money. School in the fall at the community college. He had no direction, no plan yet, but he had time to figure it out. The modelling had given him a clarity he didn't realize he was looking for. Who had he become in the last two years? Looking at himself on the side of that bus... Who was he? Modelling had never once been in his radar prior to this.
But before a job, before school, he wanted some time to himself. Learn who he is all over again.
Who knew what Lima had in store for him this summer?