How very sad and disappointing.

Nov 29, 2012 23:06

I was reading someone's Facebook wall post stating "Singaporeans who discriminate people calling them 'PRC' are no better than the racist Malays in Malaysia. At least, I would say, China is contributing immensely into your economy and you should be grateful."

And that person went on an insulting crusade on Singapore and Singaporeans with "Singaporeans are too lazy and spoilt to take up those jobs", "well the government is smart enough to recognise the business opportunity with China without which that little island with no resources world certainly extinct in the next few decades. What is there to assimilate when Singapore has no culture? Just kiasu and money minded same same la! Lol", "It's just odd that the country that claims to be all inclusive and who laugh at Malaysia for having racist policies are no better themselves." and "Sg is no longer first world to me. Beijing is!"

Like really?? To think this person is a personal friend of mine. I guess he has forgotten that he has lots of Singaporeans friends. I got so upset I just had to reply to his malicious comments with this:

"Wow XXX, really? If you do not know about the state of affairs in Singapore, I suggest that you keep your judgments to yourself.

Let me give you some rough figures about the number of Chinese Nationals whom have migrated to Singapore. There are approximately 1 million Chinese Nationals in Singapore out of a total population of 5 million people. This equates to 1 out of 5 people you single out on the street will be Chinese Nationals. And this is not an exaggeration for every turn I make, I hear and see someone who is from China instead of seeing true blue Singaporeans. Xenophobia you may call it but try experiencing it yourself and you will fully understand how most Singaporeans feel that the place where they used to call home doesn't feel the same any more. It’s a little too overwhelming.

But wait a minute, just having that much of Chinese Nationals in Singapore isn't that big a deal if assimilation takes place and everyone lives in harmony. What really annoys most of us is that the majority (Read: NOT all) of these Chinese Nationals whom we have interacted are boorish and comes across as though as they are superior beings. And to make matters worse, the Singapore government seems to be siding them when double standards manifest.

The influx of Chinese Nationals brought along a whole host of problems. Let me elucidate.

1. Singaporeans Should Change: You can say that Singapore doesn't have any culture but we do. Did you know about the infamous ‘Curry’ incident in Singapore? A Mainland Chinese family went to their Indian neighbor and asked them to stop cooking curry because of their aversion to curry smell. The Indian family then decided to be more considerate and close their windows and doors when they do cook their curry but that was apparently not enough. Complains were lodged because the Indian family cooked curry too frequently despite their considerate move. The Mainland Chinese family asked their Indian neighbor “Can you please do something? Can you don’t cook curry? Can you don’t eat curry?”. Eventually, the settlement was that the Indian family should only cook curry when the Mainland Chinese family isn’t home (and how is this fair to the Indian Singaporeans I have no idea. Again the siding of Chinese Nationals). This is only one of the many examples where some Chinese Nationals were too ethnocentric and behave in a high and mighty manner, expecting Singaporeans to change for their comfort, for their convenience. You ask us to accept who they are but are they even accepting who we are? How do you expect us to be not frustrated?

2. The Insults They Hurl: My biggest pet peeve is when foreigners who stay in Singapore criticize Singaporeans/ Singapore in a condescending manner.  “Singaporeans are stupid, ill bred, lazy…” and “Singapore education system is retarded, useless” are some of the insults I have witness Chinese Nationals (and of course other nationalities) use. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am more than happy to welcome constructive feedback on our systems and on how Singaporeans’ should change their undesirable idiosyncrasies. But don’t you dare insult us in a demeaning manner or hurl personal attacks at us. Isn’t it ludicrous and ironic that despite our education system are said to be defective and yet most of them are on a scholarship to study here? How do you expect us to be not frustrated?

3. The Awful Behavior The Majority Of Chinese Nationals Exhibit: Most Chinese Nationals are loud (and I really mean LOUD) and boorish. I’m not saying that Singaporeans are courteous and gracious bunch of people but I dare say that most Chinese Nationals are a notch higher in terms of shoving, being loud and unabashed. Some behaviors and culture of foreigners are simply not in line with our own culture and only when assimilation takes place would there be harmony per se. When I’m in China, whatever way they choose to behave is their right. Yes, I don’t like their deafening way of speaking for instance, but who am I to criticize them as I am at the place where they were brought up in that manner. I can only so to speak, tolerate such behaviors as after all, it’s their soil I’m stepping foot in. I am of nobody to throw a big fuss and ask them to stop speaking like that. It’s a different ball game when they are in our country. At least make an effort to change? I’m not saying that all Chinese Nationals behave like that, as I have pleasant colleagues and friends who are from China but I’m referring to the unrefined majority Chinese immigrants. When a glare at an unruly behavior exhibited by a Chinese National was returned with a taunt, how do you expect us to be indifferent? And a strike? Really? How do you expect us to be not frustrated?

4. The Government Policies/Actions: The Government has implemented many “Chinese National” friendly policies. Announcing train stations in Mandarin but not other indigenous languages. Encouraging us to “accept” the Chinese Nationals when they don’t “accept” us. Condoning their behaviors to a certain extend when they won’t if Singaporeans did the same. How do you expect us to be not frustrated?

5. As you already know and probably said it condescendingly many times (since you hate and despise Singapore so much), Singapore is nothing but a small red dot on the map. This means that land/space is a luxury that Singapore doesn’t have and with the mass immigration of Chinese Nationals into the country, overcrowding is inevitable. Overcrowding on the roads, in the public transportation, in the food queuing lines, practically everywhere! Under such circumstances, coupled with point 1 to 4, will you still be a saint and not bear resentment? Even bidding for a HDB flat takes donkey years and don’t even get me started on the competition for jobs. Sure, 50 000 foreigners getting a job in Singapore means 50 000 jobs will be unavailable to Singaporeans. No biggie. Try approximately 1 million jobs lost to Chinese Nationals? How do you expect us to be not frustrated?
If you were in our position and the aforementioned happens to Malaysia, will you be frustrated?

What if this is happening to you:
An influx of Chinese Nationals migrates to Malaysia, starts asking the Malay Malaysians, “why don’t you eat Pork? You should eat Pork”. Start criticizing Malaysians as being stupid and lazy and have a ridiculous education system and yet they study there. Talk loudly in the public and shove whoever is in their way without an apology. Gets employed and managed to bid for a house while you get nothing. And everywhere you go, you see/hear Chinese Nationals around you. And to add insult to injury, the government welcomes them and ask you to stop being so xenophobic while being bias towards them.

Will you not be frustrated?

You may say that, you Singaporeans deserve it for having a government who does not know how to manage a immigration policy. The crux of the matter is not whether we have a capable government who regulates their immigration policy well or not. The thing is, we are very frustrated with the state of affairs in Singapore and frustrated people say things that are unkind. I’m not condoning such behaviors (you never hear me blatantly criticizing Chinese Nationals or use derogatory remarks) but at least understand our frustration. Don’t act like you are holier than thou as I bet you have definitely used unkind remarks when you were frustrated.

And what is it about Singaporeans should be grateful to China and its people because we are earning money from the investments we made in China? I really can’t fathom why you even say that. Do you know what is investment? Do you know what is a business transaction? So you think only Singapore and her people are reaping the benefits while China is shriveling up due to our investments? No! It’s a two-way traffic for god’s sake. They are also developing and benefiting from our investments! So, when I buy a vacuum cleaner from a vacuum cleaner seller and managed to get my house dust-free due to his product, I should respect and show him some gratitude? Wrong again! I paid for the damn vacuum cleaner, and he gets his cash. No one is indebted to each other as this is a business transaction. What bullshit is it that Singaporeans should be grateful because China is “contributing” to our economy?

And you, XXX, fancy visiting China only twice and you come down so hard on Singapore and ridiculed Singaporeans with your sweeping statements. You know some of us personally and that is all you can say of us? “Lazy, spoilt, no culture, money-minded”? Not all Singaporeans are like what you have mentioned and not all Singaporeans are complaining incessantly about Chinese Nationals and discriminating against them. I am frustrated but I don’t go around snubbing my colleagues who are from China or whatsoever. It is but a handful of bad apples who are doing it blatantly. Whatever you have said speaks volume about yourself. If you don't already realize, just by how you have insulted us, you have already become one of the "Singaporeans" who are going offensive against the Chinese Nationals whom you very much despised."
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