Oct 06, 2004 18:43
I fell like I am trying to be someone I am not to try to fit in or be cool I am only acting like me 70% of the time. Well I am threw with that I am going 2 start acting 110% like me
So I am not going to be afraid to make updates about Michelle anymore, I heard that everbody was telling MIchelle to make me back off because all my comments were about her well I have something to tell all of you you thought or think that.
I LOVE MICHELLLE she is so cool, so fun and the BEST big sister ever. SHe is my sister and I am not afraid or embaressed to admit it or talk about that. In my early teen years where I feal so lost in the world, so cofused so stressed, and I have no one to talk to she is who I go t. Without her I really would be lost in this world. HSe is one of my oly hopes for getting through these years. I hate my teen years and I have a right to be myself and tlak about who I want. YOu guys don't understand how much I need Michelle.
In these years I need my friends more then anything(want to be my friend IM me @ fluttershine13).
Here is my AIM profile:
My life is getting so weird and sad..
Nothing is the same anymore i feel so lost in this world.
Sometimes i just go in my room and..........CRY!!!!!!
No mater what i do i feel i can only trust very few people. All my fears, all my nightmares....are becoming real...im not strong enough to face them.
Don't get me wrong I am having alot of fun too. Just there seems to be more problems then fun!??
Well that was an emotional update!
But what can I say, what i'm feeling has to come out sometime!!
!!!!I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! THanks for being my friend and being ther for me! You guys mean the world to me!!