Who: Sebastian and Lilian
When: Monday January 30, 2012
Where: WMHS Cafeteria
What: Lunchtime conversations
Lilian moved through the cafeteria line, adding a salad, a piece of apple pie, and a bottle of water to her tray. Once she’d collected her food, she scanned the room for an empty seat, before heading in the direction of a familiar face. Stopping in front of Sebastian, the boy she’d met the day of the blackout, she motioned to the empty seat. “Mind if I join you?”
Sebastian sat alone most days, partially out of choice, partially because nobody else cared to sit with him. He had what most people considered to be an attitude problem, and this drove them off. He figured if people couldn’t handle honesty, they couldn’t handle a true friendship, and so he saw no loss in the matter. Today, he was reading over the script for Chicago, still not certain which part he had his hopes set on as the male roles were limited. He looked up when he heard the voice and smiled at the girl he’d met a while back on the blackout day. He shook his head. “Not at all, sit.” he smiled at her.
Lilian smiled, sitting down. She uncapped her water bottle and took a sip. “How are you? Happy it’s Monday? That’s what you were waiting for, right?”
He looked at her a bit confused by her comment before it all came back to him and he laughed. “Yeah- well it is drag race day, so I guess I’m happy about that.” he chuckled a little and set his script aside. “How is your Monday unfolding?”
“We had a pop-quiz in multi-variable calculus,” Lilian shrugged, she didn’t really mind pop-quizzes, they were a good way to gage whether she was actually understanding the material or not. “Nothing quite as exciting as drag race day,” she laughed a bit. “What exactly is drag race day anyway?”
His eyes widened in faux-shock as she questioned his favorite programming. “It’s like...” he paused. “America’s Next Top Model, but with drag queens.” he laughed. “Basically, a bunch of really bitch gay men competing for a fake title. They make me look like America’s Sweetheart really.”
She laughed. “Oh. I thought it was racing, you know with cars. That sounds so much better.”
“Do I strike you as someone that enjoys watching car races?” he looked at her a little sarcastically.
“Not particularly but sometimes people surprise you. It’s best not to assume,” Lilian answered evenly. She took a bite of her salad chewing slowly. “Admittedly I don’t really understand why anyone would enjoy watching car races though.”
“I mean, I’m sure we could call one of those hocky low-lifes over here and enquire, though I’m not sure if they’re capable of complex sentences...” he looked at the jocks on the other side of the cafeteria and made a slight face.
Lilian made a face. “Yikes,” she shook her head no, laughing a bit. “I’d rather not have to try and decipher what they would say and then translate it into actual English. Best to leave them over there.” Of course that was a gross generalization but she’d tutored enough hockey players to know that it wasn’t a completely uncalled for stereotype.
He nodded as he brought his attention away from them and back to Lilian before him. “Yeah, I think we can just leave off at drag racing isn’t for us, and call it a day.” he reached for his apple and took a bite from it.
“See, now that’s what I call sensible.” Lilian finished with her salad, washing it down with another gulp of water, before moving on to her pie. It wasn’t exactly the best pie in the world, it was cafeteria food after all, but it was still pie. “So you’re sensible and you don’t like drag racing. You’re winning all kinds of points for yourself here Sebastian.”
Grabbing her fork from her he sunk it into the bit of pie closest to him and took a bite with a slight smirk.“Well I like drag racing, just not in the typical sense- plus some of those grease monkey’s are kinda sexy in their own way.” he smiled.
“Hey,” Lilian half heartedly protested as Sebastian took her fork and took a bite of her pie, she really didn’t mind though. “Right, you like that interesting sounding drag racing, which I’m still a bit confused about honestly.” She smiled back at him. “I wouldn’t say grease is really a preference of mine. Some of those guys are pretty attractive though, it’s true.”
“I’m glad we can agree.” he smiled at the brunette, laying her fork back down with a wink.
Lilian picked her fork back up, scooping up another bite of pie. “Agreed,” she echoed smirking.