Due to recent... blackouts, auditions have been postponed until next Thursday - 26th January. For all of you glee hopefuls, I suggest using this extra week to fine-tune your audition pieces, organize props if needed and seek any advice from existing members.
Remember: Auditions are now being held at 3:30pm in the Choir room, Thursday 26th January. Please be punctual - it reflects on your character.
Private: Current Glee Club Members
As school was canceled today, and for the foreseeable future, we were unable to perform at the assembly. I've been able to secure us a spot in next week's assembly following Principal Figgins' address (if we are indeed back in classes by then). This, of course, is fabulous news as it allows us time to rehearse and showcase our talent right before auditions take place.
Although you probably assume otherwise, sometimes I value your input and for a particularly important issue like future glee club members, we will all need to be in attendance for the auditions. I will not allow Mr. Schuester to just allow anyone into the club. We do have standards to maintain and competitions to win.
Have a lovely extended weekend, and make sure to use this time wisely in training your voices and practicing your choreography for our assembly number next week.
Your Friendly and Approachable Captain,
Rachel Berry ★