WHO: Fiona, Quinn, and Brittany.
WHAT: The Flash.
WHERE: WMHS Cheerios Locker Room.
WHEN: Tuesday, January 17th, 2012. 1:39PM.
Quinn’s eyes opened and she groaned. Her head hurt. She recognized the cold floor, the red lockers. She sat up slowly and placed her hand to the painful bump on her head. She must have hit it when she went down. She blinked, not quite registering Fio or Brittany yet. Her mind was still focused on the other thing... that... memory? No. Dream? Yes, dream. It had to have been a dream, but how?
One minute, she was talking with Fio and Brittany in the locker room, having ditched class, and the next minute, she was at Christian Bible Camp, and then she was back here, on the floor. Finally, Quinn looked to Fiona, then to Brittany, searching for an answer. For... something. But she was sure neither of them had an answer. After all, if Quinn had simply passed out? Or blacked out? Wouldn’t Fio or Britt be trying to care for her? Unless what happened to her happened to them too...
The kids. What happened to the - no. Wait. Brittany shook her head - there were no kids here. She was in the Cheerios locker room. Fio and Quinn - they’d been there a moment earlier, were they still...yes, she confirmed with a relieved sigh. But as the...daydream, she decided it must have been, began to recede the pain in her leg made her gasp. She looked down to find a sore spot that she knew would rapidly become a bruise. That hadn’t been there before. She was sure of it. But she wasn’t on the floor before either...
She’d been waiting in the Cheerios locker room for Coach Sylvester - she’d forgotten her English notes in her Cheerios locker, but she couldn’t remember the combination anymore. But Coach had been taking a really long time to come back - and then Fio and Quinn had come in. They were skipping class, and...and that was all she remembered. How did she fall down? Why had they fallen down too? None of it made any sense to her.
Crap! Fio eyes shot open as she looked around. Where had the audience gone? Had she dreamt that? Please for the love of all that was good in the world, let her have dreamt that horrible thing. She could still feel the beading of her dress in her hands... or maybe that was the dirt on the ground. Wait... how did she get on the ground? Where was she?
Fio looked around for a moment and realized that she was in the locker room still. Quinn was on the floor nearby and so was Brittany. Now she remembered. Quinn had wanted to ditch classes and she had agreed. “Quinn, you alright?” She asked as she moved to stand up, wincing at the pain in her tailbone.
She couldn't speak for a moment, but then Quinn nodded. She continued to rub her head and looked over at Fio. "Yeah, I think so... You okay?" She then looked over at Brittany. "You okay, too, B?" Quinn didn't even venture to guess what had happened. Maybe there was something in the locker room that... made them black out or... something.
“Uhm,” she really didn’t know how to answer that question. But Quinn probably meant “okay” in the physical sense, and she was pretty sure she was at least that. “Yeah,” she swallowed, “my leg hurts, but I...I’m okay. How...how long were we asleep? Did I miss another class?”
“I’ll be alright.” Fio moved towards Britt to look at her leg. “It doesn't look like you broke it, probably just fell wrong.” She said and offered the other girl a hand to stand up.
A little unsteady, Quinn stood back up. Fio was taking care of Brittany and that was just fine with her. She let out a slow breath, her head still hurting. She'd need an advil, she was sure. "I don't know," she answered Brittany's second question. "We must have just... passed out or something." She wasn't going to talk about what she had seen when she was out. She checked the time on her cell phone. "It couldn't have been more than a few minutes."
“Thank you,” Brittany gave Fio a little smile as she was helped to her feet. She winced at the pain in her leg, but the other Cheerio was definitely right - it wasn’t broken. “How about you? Are you okay? Did you hit anything when you fell?” She looked back over at Quinn for a moment, worrying as she wobbled a little on her feet. “I guess that’s why no one found us?” she offered. “If it was just a couple of minutes?”
Fio nodded at Britt’s question and then turned to check on Quinn. She seemed to be doing better than Britt was at the moment. ‘That’s really weird that we all passed out at the same time...” She shook her head a little to try to force her headache away.
"Just my head, it's fine," Quinn dismissed it. She was completely freaked out, but didn't want to show it. "Yeah, it is weird," Quinn agreed as well. "Maybe we should all... go to the nurse or something?" she suggested, though she didn't know that outside of the locker room, students and teachers were in the hall, trying to figure out what happened to them as well. The nurse wouldn't be able to help them.
“The nurse,” Brittany repeated slowly. “Yeah - that’s a good idea. We should make sure that we’re okay, I guess, and that we’re not going to fall asleep again...” Limping a little, she passed Fio and Quinn and opened the door into the hallway - then took a look around and let it close again. It seemed like the whole school was out there, and she’d seen at least a few people who looked obviously hurt. She turned around, resting her back against the door, and gave her head a shake. “Guys?” she asked quietly. “I think something...something happened.” She didn’t know how to express it any better than that. She was still processing it herself.
Fio moved to immediately follow after Brittany to see what was going on out there. “Something happened?” What was going on? Had the school been attacked and they had been knocked out in the process? Fio turned to Quinn with worry in her eyes. She had to go make sure her friends were alright. Finn and Dave could probably handle themselves, but Cadie couldn't speak and if he got stuck somewhere.... “What should we do now?
Quinn followed Brittany and Fio to the door and frowned as she heard the commotion outside. What was going on? Did they miss something when they blacked out or whatever happened. Brittany was right, though. Something did happen. Quinn felt like she had to take charge and she moved out into the hallway first. "I think we should probably... go back to our classes. We don't know what happened and... maybe the teachers know or... something. Maybe we should go find Coach Sylvester. She's probably in her office." Even though Coach was a bitch, she was protective of her Cheerios. Maybe she could help them.
Brittany was more than happy to let Quinn make the decisions. “Finding Coach is probably faster. I think we should do that.” It wasn’t much of a contribution, but at least it made her sound more confident than she felt. She waited anxiously for Quinn or Fio to move so she could follow.
Fio nodded. “Coach Sylvester does sound best. If anything bad is happening, I’d rather be behind her any day.” The woman was scary to everyone. Fio waited for Quinn to walk out first before walking out right after her.
Quinn was glad they agreed because she really thought that Coach Sylvester would be their best option right now. Coach didn't stand for chaos and even if she didn't know what happened, Quinn at least felt she was a good adult to have on her side during this, whatever it is. "Me, too," she agreed and drew in a breath before leading the way down the hall to Coach's office. She just really hoped there would be some answers soon.