Oct 10, 2004 07:58
So its sunday....the start of my work week...yay=) just excited me so much inside. Anyway Re-Cap the weekend...Friday night just stayed home because I was kind of tired from the week...first week ive actually went to work and school without being interupted by a hurricane=) how nice. So yeah friday just stayed home and Ill say I made a EXCELLENT Dinner! While others decided to go spend all kinds of nonsenseless money on exspensive meals...I didnt Anyways Sat. night was fun....it included Mini Golfing with the Parrot. Our Team won YAY! We went to pizza hut afterwards....wow such craziness who knew everybody wanted pizza hut at 10 at night....and wow mexicans cant count for shit...no offense if ur mexican but it was scary....and then we went to blockbuster...and rented such a great movie which i was suprised was actually funny as hell in the beginning....=) That was about it...well besides going to bed thats all I did this weekend....although not so eventful I feel like I had such a better time this weekend than in past..Im OVER the movies....so next weekend we better be doing something fun for Dani's BDAY! BIATCH!!....Anyways gotta go back to blockbuster out of my way since we rented a two day movie....bitch's=) LateZ!!!!