Burn Notice

Jul 19, 2007 16:46

Well, I have told most of you about this tv series filming here next monday.  We seem to attract these things.  The Miss Florida takes photos and films here too and there are other photo shoots done for major magazines.  Big whoppi I know, but it happens.  So....back to Burn Notice..usally I am not needed for any of these little events...Today the producer of this show asked me to be there at 7 am on monday just in case they need something.  LOVELY

Plus...I have to stay untill they are finished, because they have rented four rooms for the stars to hang in between shoots...again I say LOVELY !!

I say this because lately I have gotten myself to sleep untill 8:30 which for me is usualy late, but I did it....now I have to get up at 5:30 on monday to be here at 7 bright eyed and bushy tailed to get them settled in their rooms and help them with the guests...5:30 !!!!!  Thank goodness it is only one day...better be exciting!! hehe  

I will tell you all about it next week
